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[Nova] im still really sorry bells

[Bella] it's fine, nova!

[Nova] no its not!! u were in the hospital and i wasnt able to visit u :(

[Bella] nov, its totally fine. all i did was break my arm

[Nova] fine if u say so

[Bella] i DO say so!

[Nova] are u still in denial about ur bf?

[Bella] ...no...

[Nova] YES

[Bella] ugh why did i tell you that...?

[Nova] cuz im ur guardian now whats his name so i can stalk him on facebook

[Bella] i doubt he has facebook

[Nova] wait for real???

[Bella] his first name is Edward

[Nova] Edweirdo? awesome name

[Bella] no not-- you know what, theres no point in telling you otherwise, is there?

[Nova] nope!

[Bella] anyway, his name is Edward and he's amazing

[Nova] awwww coot

[Bella] mhm
[Bella] I gtg we can text later ok?

[Nova] k buh bye :)


[Jasper] Happy birthday!!!

[Nova] -gasp- JAZZ! u used improper grammer for ME? AWWWW

[Jasper] *Grammar

[Nova] fuck u

[Jasper] Rude.

[Nova] im kidding
[Nova] thanks tho i am now 18! never thought the day would come!

[Jasper] My brother's girlfriend has the same birthday as you?


[Jasper] Yes, Nova, that's exactly what's happening. My brother's girlfriend decided to copy your birthday.

[Nova] KNEW IT
[Nova] anyway this means we need to celebrate ur bday tomorrow! :)

[Jasper] Oh joy...

[Nova] :) it'll be fun

[Jasper] I'm sure it will.

[Nova] that better not be sarcasm...

[Jasper] Me? Sarcastic? Where do you get these crazy ideas?

[Nova] .-. i have no clue
[Nova] i gtg my mom is after me and sounds like she's in a bad mood

[Jasper] Good luck. Text later.


[Jasper] Nova


[Jasper] Nova I did something bad.

[Nova] u finally browsed pr0nhub? im so proud!

[Jasper] Nova this is serious. I did something horrible.

[Nova] oh. sorry sorry i'll stop joking around
[Nova] ok so what happened? its prob not that bad

[Jasper] I.. can't tell you.
[Jasper] But it was bad. Really bad. I almost killed someone.

[Nova] jeez ok was it a car accident or something? Jazz keep calm

[Jasper] It wasn't a car accident. It was just ME. I attacked someone.

[Nova] ...ok um why tho?

[Jasper] I can't tell you

[Nova] well how am i supposed to comfort u without details??

[Jasper] You don't comfort me! I'm a monster!
[Jasper] My family and I are moving. I might not be able to text for a while...

[Nova] oh... where r u guys gonna go?

[Jasper] I don't know yet. But I got to go. Bye, Nova.

[Nova] wait wut you cant just LEAVE ME so suddenly!!
[Nova] Jazz?
[Nova] Jaaaaazzzzzyyy?
[Nova] for f's sake fine but i'll be mad at u when ur back


[Bella] Edward?
[Bella] Edward where are you?
[Bella] I know you think you're protecting me but you're really not.


[Nova] Jazz for real its been a week since u last texted. whats going on??
[Nova] Jasper -middle name and last name here- u better answer me!
[Nova] dude srsly pls reply soon im just worried


AUTHOR'S NOTE: thanks for all the support and I'm sorry this took forever. I lost inspiration for a while.

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