Chapter 16

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Today was a hectic day.....

Back to back meetings with the clients, finalising deals and doing loads of work.

I was exhausted and meeting again with that idiot Rohan didn't help at all. As he was one of my important clients he was also there for the meeting but him being him cracked stupid jokes all along the meeting.

After the meeting he came to my cabin to talk to me.
All he did was just annoy and irritate me.

He always brings the topic of how beautiful she is, how  modest she is and how different she is from all other I didn't know about her.

I agree with him but It makes my blood boil seeing him taking interest in her.

I know I don't need to bother as I know Piyu will not like such kind of guys who flirts casually and Rohan speaks like this about every girl he meets.

Luckily that idiot left a while ago leaving me at some peace.

But what's more disturbing me is if Piyu had any guy in her life.

I mean if she loves someone else or if she is engaged or something like that.

There is 100% possibility.

That thought itself is clenching my heart.

But I have to go with it.

I shouldn't have any problem if there is someone else in her life.

If she is happy then I am happy too.

There is lot more to do.....

I should apologize for her forgiveness.....I want us to be friends like before.

Even if it takes to crush my heart and let my love go.

I cannot confess my love when nothing is right between us.

Even if she forgives me also, first I had to know what's in her heart and whether someone is there in her life or not.

Even if she doesn't forgive me, I don't mind as I know how much I have hurted her. I will try and try until I can, for her forgiveness.


Now I am driving back home, it's already 7pm, Mom will be alone waiting for me as Di and Pari went back to their home.

I stopped at a signal when it went red and there is too much of traffic.

As I glanced at my left I saw a familiar figure standing outside the building.


I was dying to see her from morning.

I looked at her who now got inside a car and that car exited the building and joined the road.

That's when the signal went green and everyone started moving and I saw Piyu's car is ahead of me.

Unknowingly I started following her.

Great! Now I became a stalker too!

I don't even know why I am following her.....may be to know where she lives or to see her again.

I want a chance to talk to her and apologize but for that I need some alone time with her.

I pressed the breaks swiftly and my car halted making a screeching sound.

What am I doing !?

If she finds that I am following her then she will be more angry.

I was thinking of ways to say sorry and here I am doing the thing which she may hate more.

UNREQUITED LOVE ❤️💔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora