The Wanderer

33 4 15


Jesus, it's cold!

I'm going to light up Vault-Tec when I get my hands on those slimy, grubby, sons of a b-


What the hell? The door is opening. The big, metal hatch lifts and frees me from my, what I now know to be, cryo-chamber.

"Step in," they said, "we'll just decontaminate you before you enter the vault," they said. Should've followed my gut, never trust anyone!

I stumble out of the chamber, onto the cold, concrete ground, my hands adhering to the surface upon impact.

"Gahhhhh!" I've gotta pull them off before they stick anymore, just like a bandaid.





Holy shit! Thats smarts! But that's alright. I didn't need the first layer of skin on my palm anyway ...

The sterile-white pipes snake across the roof, shimmering in the artificial light, making the vault all the more creepy, nail-bitingly so. I look up and down the rows of pods, housing my neighbourhood's residents. They're all frosted, all of them withered, crumpled in to themselves.

Something is wrong.

Pulling myself from the floor, I wrap my hands around my body and head for the closest terminal. Why am I the only one who's awake? The black-screened monitor glows with the neon-green font display. The 2287 messes with me, sitting so unassuming in the top right corner.

Two hundred years? I've been in this metal box for two hundred freakin years?

What the hell happened here?

I thrust my brittle digit into the enter button, trying to get some idea of what's going on.

Life Support: Offline.
Premature termination resulting in system failure.

Pod B1: Mr. DiPietro
Occupant status: Deceased.
Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to Life Support failure.

Bile rises in my throat. I click the down button on the keyboard to see that every single occupant in my row has suffered the same fate. Except for me.

My mind thaws, leaping to my family. My father.

Down, down, down.

Pod C6: Joel Miller
Occupant status: unknown
Pod door manual override: Engaged

Jittering feet carry me to the pod opposite to mine. It's empty.

Where is Joel?

This can't be happening!

Anyone I've every cared for has either died or left me. But, I can't believe that he's just left me there, that he could leave me by myself.

Not again!

I've got to find him. He's got to be alive, I can feel it. He needs my help and I'm going to be there, like he's been there for me.

Without another thought, I walk down the narrow corridor, trying to avoid the skeletons that lay all over the vault, confirming that it's been centuries since I last walked around it.

The Vault-door room is another untouched grave, with even more skeletons wrapped in scientist's coats. It's hard to believe that all that's left of a person after all this time is their bones. There's no way of knowing who they were, what they did, what they looked like.

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