Chapter 10

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I curled up against Fenris as he wound his large body around mine. The heat raging within me calmed down, replaced by the embers of pleasure that were now sparking throughout my skin. Being this close to the male felt good.

You okay?


I would not admit that he calmed my heat. That would be showing a weakness.

Is your heat alright?


Are you comfortable?



Shut up. I'm trying to sleep.

Oh. Good night, Little Wolf.


Yes ma'am.

I snuggled closer to him and closed my golden eyes. Although he calmed my heat, Fenris felt warm around me and he was another barrier against the violent October wind that blew harshly up here around the Northern boarder of the West Clan. Though the air was dry, it was not warm.

     I was about to fall asleep when Fenris' mind-voice woke me up from my lethargic state.

Little Wolf?

I was sleeping. What?

I'm sorry I woke you up.

I don't forgive you but go on.

Will you ever tell me your name?

Maybe one day. Right now I'm sleeping.

As a matter of fact you are n—

I interrupted him, Fenris shut up before I bite your balls off.

     Before he finally rested his head on my back, I think I heard him link something along the lines of 'I wonder if I'll still calm down your heat even if I won't technically be a male anymore...' . I made no comment. I was too far gone in Morpheus' arms anyway to really care.


     I woke up encased in warmth from snout to tail with a long, wet something stroking the fur behind my ears in an upward motion. It left behind a trail of pleasure and the wolf stirred. She liked this. With a sigh, I opened my golden eyes and was met with the shocking silver ones of Fenris. He was licking me. Fenris was fucking licking me. I snarled, low and deadly, before letting my mind-voice fill his head.

What the fuck do you think you're doing?

I'm pretty certain I'm currently licking you.

And why the hell are you doing this?

You were dirty.

Fenris, if you want to lie, make it realistic. I swam around before lying down, therefore it is impossible for me to be dirty just behind my ear.

My wolf wanted to soothe you because you were having a nightmare.

     It might have been my general mood, my rude awakening, or my heat, but I was feeling highly bipolar right now, and offended.

So if your wolf hadn't wanted to you wouldn't have helped me with the nightmare?

What? No! I never said that!

The Heat #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now