Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The classes of the girls at the medical college got over by the afternoon and they headed for a lunch break. Jiyasha was washing the muds put on her when Pooja approached her.

"Jiya, you should go to the hostel and then wash it otherwise you will catch a cold if you stay wet the whole day," Pooja was advising her.

"Can't you see that students are laughing at me, especially Diwakar and Monty. We can't even go back to the hostel unless our project is submitted," Jiyasha told her sadly and continued cleaning herself.

Monica stood in a corner of the lobby and was yelling over phone, "Don't jump to any conclusion like that. It all happened very suddenly.."

Jiyasha and Pooja heard the voice of Monica and looked at each other.
"What must have happened?" Pooja asked Jiyasha.

"What else! May be he is shouting on her because she is trying to deny tonight's party due to the extra work in college today. You know how adamant he is and Monica, she loves him too much. She may fight with others but she can't argue with him though he is even wrong at times." Jiyasha said frowning her forehead.

Monica approached them in the next moment and stared at her friends in frustration. Jiyasha and Pooja pursed their lips confusingly and Jiyasha squeezed Monica's shoulder.

"I guess you aren't able to convince him," Jiyasha enquired from Monica.

"He said if I don't meet him tonight, he will end the relationship. You know I didn't even meet him since many days because of the projects and he is screwed up at me," Monica's reply shocked the girls.

"So what do think you will do?" Pooja asked this time.

Monica grabbed her bag awkwardly and said, "I am leaving guys. Tell Sir that I was feeling unwell so I left."

"But what about your project? This may hamper your degree too." Jiyasha was trying to obstruct Monica from leaving the college in a hurry.

"I don't have time to think about that. You please save me this time Jiya. I will see to it tomorrow," saying so, Monica took the exit without waiting for their replies.

Pooja and Jiyasha stood behind gazing at her until she disappeared through the main gate. Somebody approached them from behind and patted Pooja's shoulder. Pooja turned around only to see Diwakar and Monty before her.

"Did your friend run away because she is afraid of the difficult research work? She can't even rely on Jiyasha this time since Sir has strictly mentioned that the project should be done individually," Diwakar taunted them.

"You mind your own project work Diwakar. Even you need to submit your own unique concept and you can't cheat this time," Jiyasha replied sternly and in a heavy voice.

"You are advocating for your friend but have you thought whether you will be allowed to attend the meeting late afternoon?" Monty joined Diwakar to insult Jiyasha.

"What do you mean?" Jiyasha asked him sternly.

"Look at your dress. Sir loves cleanliness and especially when you have to deal with the medicines," saying so, Diwakar sprayed a deodorant on himself.

"How cheap Diwakar, get out of here," Pooja shouted at the thug boys. Diwakar and Monty left the place with a smirk.

Tears filled Jiyasha's eyes and Pooja was trying to console her, "Don't lose hope. I have always seen you as a strong girl. You can't give up like this. We still have time to think."

"No Pooja, you know my family problems. I anyhow need to work on this project and become successful. If not, all my hopes will be shattered. Earning the degree has been my dream and I can't let it go simply," Jiyasha continued crying profusely.

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