Summer Emails

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For voting on the chapter right away.

An extra special chapter -because I totally goofed. Also - I have never been to England in my LIFE. I'm making up all the towns and whatnot, and I feel so guilty this wasn't out weeks ago that I don't want to research cause that'll just prolong your wait.

Besides, in all honesty, I am rather lazy for a Bee


Hey Rinnie!

How's your summer been? Having fun in England?

Of course you are. Send me a picture, will you? I bet you're having loads of fun. Me, I've done nothing so far. Your life is so much more fabulous than mine.  You spend your summer in England while I'm stuck here, alone in my room throwing paint at the walls and baking up a storm. But don't worry, I'll bake a batch of chocolate fudge at the end of the summer and give it to you.

Gladyse Hill is still as quiet as ever - I swear I saw a tumbleweed pass me by when I was biking to Biggby for some not-so-hot chocolate.  But I'm the only one who's still here during summer - Ellie is out to South Carolina visiting her uncle, Skates is up in the Adirondacks (lucky, I wish I could go), Posie is on Long Island, and even Cara went to her New York City house! Only ones left are Noni and I, and, well, you know.

I saw this new kid at Biggby though - I get the feeling he'll fit in right away. Of course, you'd think he's nothing compared to your Nate. But I think he's in our class! Isn't that so cool?

Just teasing, though. I miss you like hell. I've been talking to everyone over call, but it doesn't feel right unless we're side by side. You've never gone this far away... But never mind me - I'm just your clingy old Als. Tell me about what YOU'RE doing - I bet it's more interesting than me.

Au revoir, 




Hey Alia!

Your summer sounds like it's been cool - you met new people and you know what everyone's been doing! England's been amazing - we've been doing this thing where Daddy and Torque and I drive for a day around the countryside, then stop in a town for a few days! It's really been an experience - we've stopped in Hadley and Kingsfield and Manaster, so far. They're all coastal towns - we're starting from near the Channel and winding our way in a spiral towards London. It's all so fascinating! The English speak really different English - it might as well be a whole new language! And the sights are incredible - we haven't seen Stonehenge or anything famous yet, but it's definitely worth the wait.

I have to thank you for telling me what you guys are up to though - I miss all of you so much! Especially you, Als, you're my bestie and it's hard living without you. I can't believe no one stayed in Gladyse Hill, though - and I will continue to argue my long-held opinion that it is not QUIET, it is PEACEFUL. Gladyse Hill is just as beautiful as Kingsfield - enjoy your summer. 

Besides, if I know you, you hardly have issues keeping occupied. You'll probably be painting or drawing or writing or reading or playing soccer or even managing CraftItYourself.

Oh - I can't forget sewing - my Lady Luck Halloween costume last year last year was FABULOUS - I can't believe you were the one who made it. I'm still paying you for that by the way... once I'm not broke...



Alright - I am so so sorry. I made a promise and I didn't deliver. This is my first time writing girlxgirl, however... I am out of my depth and hope I can make it up to you with this little piece of backstory.

With that, I have a question for you guys... it's clear updates aren't going to be great. I really have been trying to get this out, but I've been quite blocked regarding Marinetta and Aliyanne. If you guys are OK with this, I might put this story on hiatus, come up with some prewritten chapters, and then start updating again. If I go that route, it's much more likely updates will be more routine. OR I can continue doing these odd, short updates that are few and far between - and I'll get even less free time to write this September.

I really am trying, but I'm honestly not particularly inspired. I want to write their story, but I don't really have a good idea where it's going, as I have previously mentioned. I do this for you, my Hive. You have some influence in how I'll write this.

On a less serious note, I am shortly going to publish a part to a Miraculous Ladybug oneshot compilation, which will most likely be updated quite often - I get more inspired in terms of fanfiction. So, my Miraculous Bees, head on over - I have a quite unique oneshot for my first chapter. Buzzing off, 

- Queen Honey 🐝

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