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On Thursday I sat into my math class, taking out my notebook and starting to sketch little leaves on the side as usual. Ella still hadn't come in, making me think that maybe she wouldn't have come to school at all that day. I wondered why was she skipping so many days, it was unlikely of her.

I was that caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the chair next to me had been moved. I looked up all of sudden when I recognised the smell of a cologne, that at that point was almost soaking the walls of my studio at home.

I gave Harry a weird look before nonchalantly looking at the desk he usually sat on. Niall wasn't there. I turned to look at Harry again, feeling like asking him why he was sitting next to me.

He gave me a side-glance before ignoring me, as if he hadn't done something weird at all.

"Are you gonna say nothing about this as well?" I asked him after a while.

"You said you don't want to have sex with me" he said, earning an even more confused look from me.

"I'm not sure where this conversation is going at this point" I mumbled, giving up and looking away.

"She does."

I looked at him again. "What?" I asked.

He gave me no reply, but he pointedly looked in the direction of his desk. I followed his look, discovering that a blonde haired girl had sat on Niall's chair. I'd never noticed Janette was in my same maths class. But she looked like the kind of person that would've sat at the very back of the class, so I wasn't that much surprised at all.

"Running away from your girlfriend, are you?" I muttered, resorting to drawing the leaves on my notebook, my senses heightened by Harry's closeness. We'd never been that close to each other for a prolonged period of time, and I found it hard to concentrate on anything else that wasn't him.

The teacher started his lesson and I tried my best to take notes, ignoring Harry's presence next to me. I automatically glanced at the desk where he usually sat, its emptiness reminding where he currently was. I went back to trying to pay attention, just to be distracted again by the sound of paper being ripped next to me. I subtly looked at what he was doing, not turning my head not to attract his attention.

His fingers crumbled up a paper sheet, not fast enough for me not to see that words were written on there - not numbers. He pushed the small ball on the corner of the desk farther away from me slowly. He took the pen and went back to writing. It didn't take me long to realise that he definitely wasn't taking notes. He was writing something else. All of sudden he turned the page and looked at the front of the class. Had he noticed that I was looking at him, maybe? I wondered what he was doing. I'd never seen him quite as restless before. I openly looked at him, but he ignored me completely.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly, intrigued by his actions.

He barely glanced at me, but gave no reply.

"Aren't you gonna answer?" I pushed when I realised he had every intention of pretending I hadn't opened my mouth at all.

"It's not relevant anyway" he hissed back, his sudden hostile tone letting me know he had no intention of answering.

"If I didn't care about the answer I wouldn't have asked" I muttered and quietly resumed my business, sneaking quick glances in his direction every once in a while.

He tapped against the surface of the desk, staring at the opposite side of the class, apparently not paying attention to the lesson. As soon as the class ended he fled out of the room.

I watched as Janette made her way out of the room soon after.

I sighed, gathering my books and exiting as well. It didn't matter how hard I tried, it just seemed like I couldn't understand him at all.

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