6 | Mysterious Shades

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"How long have we been in here?"

We'd been in this stupid storage room for a while now and still, no one came to rescue us.

Michael and I had long given up on screaming because it was no use. I tried getting up on the vent again, but my butt was in too much agony from my fall caused by the moron sitting on a box beside me while I was on the floor, grumbling. I really thought I'd go bonkers in here with the nuisance in the room with me, but I couldn't change that. We had no choice but to stay here together.

"Thirty-five minutes," Michael announced, flipping his phone in one hand as he fished it out of his back pocket. He had his blazer placed on top of his messy hair, making him look even more idiotic than I'd originally thought.

Well, who could blame him? We were bored to death here.

"You're totally kidding me," I said.

He scoffed, "Am not. Check it out." And he was right. He zoomed his phone to my face, making me go cross-eyed. He was using stopwatch mode, so I really had no choice but to believe him.

Seriously. What was up with Michael and me getting locked up in closets all the time? It was like the Lord and everyone was against us. I wanted to cry and all, but I didn't want to. It would make me too much of a sissy in front of Michael. He'd make fun of me, I knew. He wasn't the guy who didn't know how to laugh and annoy.

I stared at his hand, flipping his phone around and around. "Why can't you just call somebody?" I whined, desperate to get out. Plus, it was getting kind of cold here but I didn't mind it because I was too enamored with anger and desperation to even consider freezing.

"You've asked that for the third time."

"I did n --" Grumbling, I crossed my arms and growled, "You're right."

He didn't stop flipping his phone. "No signal. No internet connection here, either. Nothing. Like I said, you've asked that three times now. If you forget and ask me again, it's either you're simply stupid or just completely deaf," he sneered.

I didn't have the strength to argue with him anymore. I groaned, banging the back of my head on the wall behind me. "Ow," I muttered, rubbing it as I didn't go too gentle with my head.

Michael snorted a laugh, hitting the box he was sitting on with the back of his shoes.

"Be quiet," I grumbled.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but you laughed," I accused, rubbing my bum and the back of my head.

"Maybe. But I didn't mean to."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did --" I shot daggers in his direction, crossing my arms huffily. "I am so not going to argue like a four-year-old with you. I'm more mature than that."

He shrugged. "Sure. But, just to let you know, I didn't laugh on purpose. Really. I didn't. Nope."

"Did too!"

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did nooot," Michael sang, tapping his palms on his thighs.

"Did too!" I fairly exclaimed. My eyes widened because I realised he was riling me up. Michael smirked. "Shithead!" I told him through gritted teeth.

Why did he always do this to me? Cookie was already bad enough, but Michael annoying me till I went insane was absolutely intolerable.

I pursed my lips into a hard line, staring at the door in front me that was just a few inches away.

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