Chapter 1 - on a monday...

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It was April 14 on a Monday at north east high 10 minutes before the bell rang. Abby walked in to class and took a seat next to her friends Nathalie and Jessica.

- "Guess what?"

Nathalie whispered so only Abby and Jessica could hear.

- "I brang my diamond heart necklace to school."

- "Awesome!"

Cried Abby. But Jessica didn't think it was a good idea to bring a diamond heart necklace to 10th grade.

- "Im going to show everybody in 10th grade this recess at the gym were everybody goes."

Time Flew by fast and the bell rang and everybody turned to the board. Mrs Robin walked in with her high heal boots, her long dark blue skirt and her green sweater over her white tank top. Mrs Robin was their classroom teacher. Abby, Jessica and Nathalie were all looking at the time to go faster but it was going slower that way, so Abby

was doodling in her desk, Nathalie was reading her favorite book under her table and Jessica was playing with her hot pink pencil. The clock went tick tock and

the teacher went blah, blah and finely the bell rang.

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