eleven - really, just friends

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"Harry! Harry, wait up!" Louis called, jogging down the hallway to catch up with the taller boy. Harry made no effort to slow down for Louis, and Louis struggled to keep up with Harry's long strides. "Can we talk?"

"What is there to talk about?" Harry replied coldly, not meeting Louis's gaze as he continued walking.

"You know what," Louis hissed. He grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him down a secluded hallway, ignoring the younger boy's whispered protests.

Harry had managed to avoid Louis all morning, even skipping the one class they should have had together that morning. Niall was surprised, seeing as Harry never missed class, but didn't harass Harry about it. Liam was more concerned when Harry used the excuse that he felt sick, but Harry somehow managed to get away before Liam dragged him to the store to get medicine.

Louis was the complete opposite. As soon as he'd come up with a plan last night, he'd considered driving back to Harry's house to put it into action right then, but he knew that Harry needed some time to cool off.

Little did he know that Harry wasn't angry at him, although he was trying to act like it. Harry wasn't even really hurt anymore. He was used to people figuring out that he wasn't good enough -- he didn't know why he was even surprised when Louis ran off after their kiss. Louis finally saw that he didn't want Harry, just like everyone else. Except for some reason, that hurt a lot more coming from Louis.

"I want to eat my lunch, Lou, the boys are waiting. We don't have to talk about it. Can we just forget it ever happened?" Harry pleaded.

"No, Harry," Louis said firmly. Harry had his back pressed against the lockers and Louis stood in front of him, blue eyes blazing. "I mean, yes, let's forget it ever happened, but you're obviously angry about it!"

"It doesn't matter," Harry shook his head, dropping his gaze from Louis's. "I'm not angry. It's okay if you don't like me like that. I get it."

The look on Harry's face, combined with his words, was almost enough to break Louis's heart.

"Harry, it's not that I don't like you," Louis assured him, speaking slowly as he tried to choose the right words. It was hard to describe his feelings when he himself didn't completely understand them. "You're wonderful -- I'm just not gay."

Harry's green eyes snapped up to meet Louis's, shooting him a skeptical look. "You kissed me, remember?"

"I know, and I don't know what I was thinking," Louis said quickly, ignoring the hint of sass in Harry's attitude. "I don't have those type of feelings for you. You're my best friend, Harry, and I can't lose you because of one stupid kiss."

"Best friend?" Harry's eyes widened. Louis couldn't hold back his wide smile at the adorable expression that spread across Harry's face at the mention of best friends.

"Yeah, you're my best friend, you dummy," Louis replied. He wanted to wrap his arms around Harry and hold him forever, but he knew that he needed to stick to his plan.

"You're mine, too," Harry said, shy smile still lingering on his lips. He'd never had a best friend before. And even if Louis couldn't like Harry as more than a friend, Harry could deal with that. At least for now. He changed the subject quickly, asking Louis, "Can we go to lunch? I'm really hungry now that you forced me to have a friendly heart to heart."

"Of course," Louis grinned, and the two boys headed down the hall to join their friends.

Of course, Harry was still skeptical of Louis's sexuality, but he could respect the other boy's wishes, at least until he figured everything out. If anyone could understand not wanting to come out immediately, it was Harry. And he could deal with anything as long as he had Louis as his friend. His best friend.

Louis grasped Harry's forearm suddenly, pushing open the cafeteria door with the other arm as they continued walking. "Oh, and I have to tell you --" he began.

"Louis!" As soon as they entered the cafeteria, a girl rushed over to them. Harry could see Liam and Niall frowning at their table across the room as the girl jumped into Louis's arms, giggling.

Louis caught her easily, quickly setting her back down on her feet.

"Hey, El," Louis replied quietly. His arm snaked around the girl's shoulders and his eyes studied Harry's confused expression. "Harry, this is my girlfriend."

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