Chapter 10

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On the day of the art exhibition, Henry paced nervously outside the campus library, which lay just across from the other side of the art department lawn where the exhibit had begun. There were crowds of people enjoying the galleries on display this sunny day. Canvases and tables showed student projects and vendors selling anything from student originals to knockoffs of famous paintings. Henry was intimidated by the thought that many of these male artists or connoisseurs would know more about art and were just as talented enough to impress Francine at a day like this. He stood behind a corner as he pondered how to act on a day alone with her.

"The paintings are just as beautiful as the artist," Henry practiced, thinking about what he could say to her. He cleared his throat as he began to calmly repeat it to himself. He thought it was a good opener, but it needed to be wittier than lavishing.

He smiled and uttered another possible opener:

"Francine, how pleasant to finally see you in your habitat."

"Did you meet her in a zoo, Piano Boy?" interrupted Eris, who was above him and laughing at his lines.

Henry gave a look of puzzlement as he thought about what he had just said.

She climbed off and landed in front of Henry.

"Charming words, but those lines need a bit of work. What happened to my little lecture on being yourself?" she continued.

"I am," he protested, "but I have to make a good entrance. Things have to be smooth and enticing for a polished intro. Sort of like an etude before playing something more serious."

Eris playfully indulged him, "The concert musician knows all about romance, does he? Very Impressive. So, what's the plan today?"

Henry pondered as he stood there looking at Roxanne who was gazing at him with an amused smile.

"I'm going to get to know her better and enjoy every moment I can with her, I suppose. At least until she finds my demeanor repulsive." He laughed before clearing his throat.

"Of course, that's impossible because I am playing the notes of her heart with my uttermost feeling," Henry saved himself, making a playful face. His confidence, although hesitant in front of Eris, spilled some boldness in his bones. Eris knew Henry had improved. He was ready to woo Francine, but he just needed a bit of help along the way.

Eris nodded her head. "Not bad, smarty pants. Try not to strike out the third time or you're out."

"Promise me you won't come in to save me?" he joked.

Surprised, Eris' face twitched after hearing this statement.

"Why Henry, I have the uttermost confidence in you to do this alone," Eris replied as she touched him on his shoulder. "Make me proud."

Eris motioned her hands, waving a half-farewell as he left. She smiled, thinking about another arrangement to guarantee his success. As he made his way toward the art on the lawn, Eris followed closely, carefully disguised, of course.

The beginning of Henry's so-called meeting with Francine was not as he pictured it in his mind. He was not to be guided like a distinguished guest through the art gallery as she said she would do. Instead, Francine welcomed Henry like another friend and reintroduced him to Ruby, the other art student from that other night. Throughout their time, Ruby had recounted to him how disappointing the other night's circus party went because of the crazy crowds and the police crashing the party in the end. Contrary to Henry's belief, however, she seemed to have had some sort of fun for she was jumping up on tables as he recalled.

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