UK Assignment

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This is for the UK assignment

Holding the books against her chest, Emma ran to catch up with to catch up with her best friend. "Rachel!" Emma called out to her, her head stinging the whole time.

"Em! How was your weekend?"

"It was cracking." Emma lied, then tried to come up with a reason for it to be that way, "I got a nice handbag for only ten pounds."

"Damn, that's a bargain. Especially for the shops in London. I swear everything was so much cheaper up in Newcastle. " Rachel responded, sighing, and then tugged at her skirt, "Ew, don't you hate our uniforms?"

"I know, right. They're bloody awful." Emma said, looking down at her grotesque orange sweater with her dark blue skirt. Emma could not understand for the life of her why anyone would pair together the two colours.

"Well, we've only got another year to go, then we can chuck them out." The final member of their trio joined them, throwing his arms over both of the girl's shoulders. "Anyway, why are you being so narky, Em!"

"I am not being narky!" She exclaimed.

"Then what's put you in such a bad mood?"

"Nothing." Emma diverted her eyes, but as Oliver gave her a look, she admitted, "Fine. I'm absolutely knackered, I was up studying until 3."

"Emma, studying what is this?" Rachel joked.

"And what time did you begin this studying?" Oliver questioned.


"Midnight! Were you up playing football until then?"

"Shut up. I need to train, we have scouts from America coming in around a month."

"That's no excuse to wear yourself out until you keel over. You really need to get more sleep."

"I'm bloody fine, Olly," Emma responded, sighing as she heard his usual rant.

"Still, Em, you have to stop overworking yourself. You're in the sixth form, you need to begin to study for exams."

Emma could not agree with him, "Well, in the sixth form, I'm more likely to be picked up by a scout."

"Whatever, Em. I can't be arsed arguing, but don't blame me if you come to regret it."

"I won't," Emma stated. "Anyway, we're at my classroom. You guys really should begin to head off for Tutor group, shouldn't you?"

"I guess so," Oliver grumbled.

"See ya, Em!" Rachel waved as she and Oliver left.

Emma yawned and then opened the door for her tutor group room. The bags under her eyes showing slightly through her makeup, and her bed hair still evident, all of the students in the room could tell that messing with Emma today would be a bad idea.

She walked over to her desk and dropped her books onto it. Sitting down on her seat, she groaned.

A few of her classmates looked at her, nervously, but then quickly looked away. They didn't want to catch Emma Brown on a bad day.

The class was loud, as Emma lay her head on her desk. She was so tired if only she could have gotten some more sleep. If only they hadn't had so much homework.

Suddenly, the class went silent. Emma glanced towards the door and saw Mrs Johnson come through the door. A scary woman to most, but she didn't intimidate Emma. But that was likely because she was Rachel's stepmother.

Emma didn't bother to lift her head off the desk, and so she just turned back to put her face on the desk to try and block out the pesky light. The teacher began to call out the register, whilst Emma ignored them.

The frequent calling out of names, and the response of 'Here' had a strangely soothing effect on Emma. She slowly began to pay less attention as the world slowly became dark...

"Emma Brown?"

Emma sat up suddenly, Mrs Johnson repeated, "Emma Brown? Are you present?"

"Oh, here." Emma eventually replied to the teacher's question.

"Next time, please be more responsive." Mrs Johnson stated, and then continued the register, "Mohammed?" Emma lay her head down on the desk once more.


Soon, the tutor group was over, and Emma sat up in her seat, stretching as she did so. Her back cracked loudly, and Emma immediately dropped her arms. She stood up, her head pounding. She couldn't fall asleep. Not today. She had to stay awake until the end of break time. Her school soccer team was having try-outs that day. So she had to last until then.

She walked to her Maths class, her feet dragging on the ground, as in this state, every movement seemed to take so much effort. She eventually made it to the room, and walked into it, as the class was already there.

"Emma. You are late." The teacher stated the obvious.

"Sorry. I was kept up." Emma replied.

"Just sit down", the teacher replied, obviously not in the mood to deal with her.

"As you all know, we have a mock-exam this morning. I hope that you will all try your hardest as this exam can reflect what grades you would get on the actual test..." Mr Smith droned on, as Emma tried her best to keep her eyes open.

Emma decided to ignore the rest of what he said, it was always the same, anyway. No talking, no looking at other's papers, and blah blah blah. Eventually, he finally began to hand out the mocks. Emma was slightly relieved that at least it was math that she had this morning. One of the few subjects she was half decent in.

However, when Emma received the test paper, to her dismay, not a single question made an inch of sense to her. She looked stared at the first question trying to make sense of it.

Well if x is equivalent to y squared - 3z +3.5, that means z must equal y squared minus x +3.5? No, that's not right... All the work we've done in class has been so easy, but now, this is impossible.

Soon, Emma heard Mr Smith speak, "I need to go do..." He tried to find an excuse, when in reality, Mr Smith was just one of those teachers who didn't care, "... some stuff. Mr Taylor will listen in from next door so don't talk. You can all leave once the bell goes, just leave the tests on my desk." He walks out of the room, likely to go get some tea or watch a football match.

Emma continued to stare down at her paper,struggling to keep her eyes open. She began to loose the struggle as her head fell towards the paper and her eyes closed.

She was woken up by a bell. Time for break. Time to try out. She sat up, and glanced at the clock. 11am. The end of break time. She missed the vital football tryouts.

Maybe Oliver was right about the need for her to get more sleep.

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