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Thomas didn't know why he was in the forest.

After the traumatic adventures of late, he wasn't surprised that he'd lost himself in his own head. Retreating to a world amongst trees, where Clara and the other gods would not follow. It was wonderful, having a few brief moments to his lonesome, rather than getting pulled along on Clara's quest to retrieve this ridiculously precious apple. He still didn't really get what was so important about it- Even if she didn't have it, wouldn't it still do its job?

His eyes flickered from tree to tree. He examined the rough bark, running his hand along a few as he passed. His calloused hands felt no sting as edges of bark and twigs scraped over his palm. Looking further into the forest, his eye was drawn to the abnormal.

A bright white object- Paper, he realised, looking closer- was stuck to a tree, standing out like a singular star in a cloudy night due to the small amount of sun still shining to reflect light upon it. Slowly wandering over to it, his hands still grazing the trees, he scowled. It was just like the people around town to nail papers to trees. To interrupt the serene environment with their hilariously funny jokes.

As he approached the paper, slowly reading the words, he was slightly bemused. A riddle. Of all things someone would stick to a tree, why on earth would it be a riddle? Still, he continued to read on as the blue sky slowly turned to orange.

'On my own, I am darkness, a black abyss. But, Life brings me light with its gentle kiss. I am quiet and cold, but warmth I can hold. Alongside beauties and wonders, sights to be told. My surface may be bare, this I'm aware. But, beautiful secrets I am eager to share. My mouth so large, I swallow you whole. To be in my belly is your goal. What may lie within can drive men to sin. Greed and desire, gluttony's kin. For some, I am fear. For others, hope. My perception shaped from life's scope. From the earth I have come, and forever will stay, even if parts of me crumble away. What am I?'

Dark... Abyss... Life... Sin... Thomas blushed at his first assumption. Surely someone wouldn't leave such a crude message on a tree. A woman's bodily parts were private, for goodness sake. And no one would surely want to be 'in my belly', and why would it be fear? At his youthful age of 14, he still found the ideas portrayed as such to be quite disturbing. He didn't want to hear about anything to do with a woman's privates, couldn't the other boys at school just understand that?

Thomas shook his head. It wouldn't be true. Time to figure out this riddle, then go home before it got dark.

Father would get worried- Or just annoyed. Then again, that morning, the effect of the apple's theft was still on high. Perhaps his father would truly just be worried, so much more affectionate than he had ever been.

What has a belly that a person may want to be inside? His thought of it being a cave, maybe with some gold inside, was quickly fleeting.  Other statements would not make sense, such as, 'For some I am fear. For other hope'.

Maybe, it didn't have an actual 'belly'. Perhaps it was just meant to mean it 'consumed' you.

Maybe it wasn't at all literal.

It didn't have to be physical.

Greed, desire. Drives men to sin.

Invokes fear and hope.

Forever it will stay.

Beautiful secrets I may be willing to share.

Swallows you whole.

Life brings it to light.

Quiet and cold, but warmth can be brought.

Thomas let out a cold laugh. What an ironic fact, that the riddle's answer was so similar as to what their enemy controlled. Love. Surely, that was the only solution. What a ridiculous thing- A riddle speaking of love and it alone, posted on a tree.

Maybe it had been left to taunt him.

Taking the paper off the tree, he tucked it in his pocket, "Love", he muttered the answer to himself, as if speaking it aloud would confirm his thoughts and tell him the truth of the message.

The silence of the forest was his only answer.

Wandering home underneath the darkening sky, he couldn't help but feel as if a slight weight had been lifted. Maybe this riddle would help him after all. At least he wasn't completely useless at solving it. He wasn't useless.

Not this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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