Chapter 3

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After I dropped Amber off at her class, I had a free period, so I decided to chill at the library. Usually, I go home since its right before lunch, but I wanted to stay behind and have lunch with this new girl. I hadn't ever felt so drawn to someone in... well... ever. It was quite odd. I felt like I had something to prove to her.

"You do." The voice in my head says.

I shake my head. I had this voice upstairs for about as long as I can remember. I had never told my parents about him because of thinking that they would throw me into some sort of mental hospital. He had always been there for me and had gotten me out of a lot of trouble, so I didn't worry too much about him. I only knew it was him because it was a deep male voice, and it seemed that it held a lot of authority. Weird, I know.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"I... haven't been very truthful with you, Alex. I had always thought that our parents would have told you sooner or later, but now that Amber is here-"

He never got to finish, as the bell had rung already. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out the door. I might have finished our little internal chat, but he shut up about just as well as I did when I saw Amber.

"Hey," I said casually.

She looked at me, blushing ever so slightly, and then walked beside me. "So, lunch next?"

I nodded. "Hope you brought home lunch. Today is good luck Tuesday."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, a sight that had my heart whirling. Damn, whatever was coming over me made everything she did look cute.

"It's where they pack you a paper bag lunch, and you have to literally guess what's inside," I explained.

She giggled a little, but then cleared her throat. I laughed, and before I realized what I was doing, I had my arm around her shoulders. I felt her stiffen for only a nanosecond, but she soon relaxed into my side. It felt so natural...

What was happening?

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