☁Chapter One☁

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Eight years later . . .

A sweet breeze blows in through the windows, blowing back the sewn curtains that fell along the sides of them. Orange and pink rays of the early morning sun shone directly through the open windows and doors, spreading warmth and light throughout the mostly silent room. Rasping breaths were the only sound that could be heard, coming from the man lying on the bed in the middle of the otherwise empty room, but they were growing farther and farther apart. It was almost time for the entire city to change, and it would change for the worse. 

The erratic and energetic old man who had been the king of Omashu for so long lay on the bed, his hand dangling off, brushing against the earthen floor. He seemed to draw his remaining strength from the earth like he was holding on to something precious. Nazadori sat in front of a bowl of warm water, squeezing a cloth so that all the water dripped back into the bowl. Crawling forward, she placed the warm cloth on his forehead. His eyes moved slightly as she sat back on her heels, letting out a breath. Brushing her bangs out of her eyes, she stared at the wizened old man, wishing she could take his pain away. She knew the time was coming when King Bumi would die, but she didn't want it to happen. 

She left the cloth on his forehead for just a few seconds before pulling it off. There was another cloth resting on her thigh that she used to dab at his forehead just to make sure he wouldn't get a chill from the water on his skin. She didn't want to be the reason that he died quicker than he would have because she knew his advisers would blame her. Besides, she had to do everything perfectly for him as she was his assistant, and he only wanted the best from everyone.

"We must prepare for an outcry of anger and hurt from the public," Gazon, one of the wise old men that Bumi had surrounded himself with after he started losing strength from old age, said behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see him facing the rest of the advisors and other men that Bumi had hired over the years. Nazadori had been the one to appoint him to help with Bumi's final few years as she was his secretary, personal assistant, and whatever else he wanted her to do. She was there with Bumi when no one else was, and that was what mattered most. "We have to make sure that there will be no uprising after King Bumi dies."

Nazadori couldn't believe they were talking about his death while he was still alive and awake in the room with them. He might not be able to hear what they were saying or understand it, but he was there. She knew he probably didn't want to hear everything that they were saying about his beloved city that he had ruled for so long because it was his pride and joy. It was obvious that the public was going to be devastated because most of them had only known him as their king. His reign was longer than some of the oldest people in the city. She was afraid of what was going to happen next. 

It was also very obvious that Nazadori couldn't imagine her life without King Bumi. He found her when she was at the lowest point in her life and gave her meaning. He had lifted her when she was struggling to break away from her past, inspiring her to create a better version of herself than she was before. This man was so special to her, and she didn't know what she was going to do without him there. Tears prick her eyes as she thought about this ending of her life, and she quickly brushed them away so the men wouldn't see her weakness.

"That's a good plan," another man said, but Nazadori wasn't paying attention to him. She was watching Bumi breathe in and out, wondering how he saw her through the crowd of people that fateful day when he found her. She wasn't supposed to be seen by the king, but he saw her and saw the potential in her, the potential that she didn't see. She'd forever be grateful for Bumi. "I will go prepare the announcement now."

The two men bowed to each other and then the one left. There were still at least eight other men in the room with her, but she was the only one taking care of the frail and old King Bumi. Deep inside, she knew it was because the other men were too busy to take care of Bumi, but she felt like they let the only female in his inner circle take care of him. She didn't mind, though. Not for this. She had been the only one to take care of him in his last few days because he had no one else in his life. He didn't have any heirs, he didn't have any lovers, he didn't have anyone but her. That was one of the highest honors -- and hardest tasks -- in her life. 

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