Chapter 12 -COMPLETED

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It had been two months since that night. I moved back in with Yoongi. He agreed to get rid of the bed as it was taking up too much space. We got new furniture and coated the walls with fresh white paint.
We were slowly starting to get on with our lives. Yoongi was smiling again, and so was I. We were ready to make new memories. All we had was each other, and that was all we needed.

I didn't tell Yoongi about Jungkooks text. I would tell him some time in the future, when this incident isn't still fresh out the oven.

I had blocked Damons number so that he couldn't call me, and I never attended unknown calls or responded to unknown text senders.

Life was better now.

5:00AM JUNGKOOK- Hey Y/N. Listen, you guys shouldn't worry about me doing anything at all. I deserved all that from Yoongi a long time ago. I realised my mistakes. If possible, please tell Yoongi that I'm sorry, and now I'll never try to enter his life. But, if he ever needs me or my help, I'll always be here. No give and take. Peace out.
PS: Will handle my parents. Won't take Yoongi's name at all.
Bye, for now. And take care you two. I wish you both the very best.

—The End—

Authors notes:
So this is it guys! My first ever fanfic. I know it may seem a little rusty, but it's from a beginners POV. I had a lot of fun typing this out, and I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you so much for reading it, and don't forget to leave a vote! Xoxo

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