Chapter Thirty Eight - Tiffany

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        "Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances" Everyone watched the TV uneasily. "Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer. Reporting live, Dawn Chubai, CNN" Carlisle turns the TV off as Alison glances around the room.

"It's getting worse, we're going to have to do something" Carlisle said knowing it was either up to them or the Volturi and none of them wanted the Volturi to be around the area.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more" Jasper said in a sort of trance. "They're undisciplined, conspicuous" He listed.

"Newborns" Edward concluded.

"What, like new vampires?" Bella asked confused.

"In their first few months after the change." Edward told her.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst" Jasper said.

"Something to look forward too" Emmett said smirking slightly.

"No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random" Jasper said looking up at everyone.

"Someone's creating an army" Carlisle stated.

"Oh, now we're definitely going to Seattle" Emmett said standing up.

"An Army of vampires?" Bella asked shocked.

"And they've been created to fight someone" Jasper mentioned.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle" Alison spoke up.

"Regardless, of who they are after, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will" Carlisle said. "I'm surprised they've let it go on this long" He wondered to himself.

"Maybe they're behind it" Edward suggested. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him. Our gifts would shore up his power. He knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is still alive. An army could solve that for him" Edward said.

"Alison, lets keep this between the family" Carlisle said and Alison nodded understanding what he meant.

"I'll take first shift looking over Bella's house." Alison replied as Edward and Bella got ready to go.

"I'll come with you" Rose said and Alison nodded.

"Sleep tight, Bella" Alison said before the two girls raced to her house and waited in the woods across the street. For weeks the Cullens along with the wolves watched over Bella's house, they made sure someone was with her at all times while watching over her father was well. Alison was pulling double duty to watch over Bella, Bella's father and Embry's mother. When Embry was watching over Bella, Alison was watching over his mother. When she had the time she hunted but she was holding up fairly well.

"You need to hunt, the stress and being constantly alert isn't helping" Esme said softly.

"I'm alright, Esme." Alison said with a smile."I promise" She said before leaving the house to go to Embry's. "Hey" She said running across paths with Embry and Quil, who were on their way to watch over Bella. Embry's ears perked up seeing her making her smile. "You look well rested for once" She said running her hand through his fur. "How're you holding up, Quil?" She asked and he tilted his head side to side making her smile. "Don't worry, this won't last forever" She said before looking at Embry. "Stay safe" She whispered kissing the top of his head. He licked her face making her laugh a little bit. "I'll see you later" She said racing to the treaty line and then to Embry's mothers house.

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