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Claire POV.

I don't know how long I've been down here. A couple of days, maybe two weeks or so? I'm not certain, but I know it's been a while. Mecca and I have grown pretty close during our time in bondage. Well, as close as we could be, I guess. She still talks to me like I'm less than her, with me being human and all. And let's not forget about her prize-winning growl that she releases whenever I call her a dog. But other than that, she's actually a pretty interesting person.

Listening to her stories about the different werewolf tribes and learning about their saviors, the Lycans, have become the highlight of my day. I find myself daydreaming about becoming a mate of one of the famous alphas, or a destined of any of the powerful Lycans, which would never happen of course. But it's still pretty exciting and absolutely romantic to dream about.

The love stories that Mecca has told me are super intense, terrifying even, yet they still manage to warm my heart as I just listen to her every time she talks about them.

It's really unfair that the other species are born with another half.

Mecca explained to me that vampires, werewolves, witches, gypsies, hunters, and lycans were all split into two. Then they're meant to find their other half regardless of place, time, or circumstance. They will find each other and become one instantly. Only a few humans have ever reported having that special companion of one of the other species, so it's extremely rare.

She also informed me that the Awakening happened because the vampires had become bitter towards a human destined to a lycan, specifically because she happened to catch the eye of one of the vampire kings. Apparently, she broke his heart, and he started a rebellion to enslave her entire race because of it.

Could you believe that? My entire race has been enslaved because of hatred and bitterness towards one human, who did nothing but find her other half. I guess that could be expected. They are selfish and cold‑hearted creatures.

Mecca's voice is the first thing I hear as I wake up. My stomach growls because of the little food intake I had since I have been sharing my food with her.

"Little human, the leech king came to visit you again while you were sleeping." She giggles and starts to further tease, "He even brought you a blanket. How cute!"

I sit up, just in time to see her sniff the air.

"Now, how strange is that?"

Her question seems to be directed more to herself than towards me.

A mischievous glint beams around those amber irises before they flicker that fascinating color of neon yellow. She has healed a lot because of me sharing my food portions with her, even though she doesn't take much—a little bread and water here and there.

I stretch my arms out.

"That is pretty strange," I confess while rolling off the cot.

I haven't seen King Nicklaus during my entire stay in the dungeon. Mecca has watched him from the shadows, coming to visit me every night. This is not the first time he has left me something behind. He's left me extra water or a change of clothes. I don't know why he does it, but he does. I try not to dwell on his strange actions too much. Every time I think about him, a piercing ache surfaces in the center of my heart.

A few moments of silence go by before she starts to fiddle with her collar.

"I have started to come to my own conclusions of his strange actions," she informs with a low growl.

"Is that so?" I respond, drawing my brows together. As soon as I stand my body starts to shake. It's colder than usual. I grab one of the sweaters that King Nicklaus has provided for me, and an idea pops into my head. "Do you think you can do that creepy she-wolf thing and stretch your arms out of the cell?"

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon