Telling Others

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Q - Did your life as a therian ever interfere with your standard human life? Aka such as thing as your boss figuring out you're a therian and judging u for that? Non-therian friends abandoning you over it etc. etc.


A - As far as work and my professional life, I've never had an employer find out. Most people just think I like wolves, and I leave it at that. I'm not open about my Therianthropy in a work setting like that. Therianthropy is something that I consider very personal and it's just my own inner existence, and other people don't really need to know about that. So, I keep it really personal.

I have told a few friend, and had mixed results. One friend I told in college, and it went really well. He was open and accepting to it. We are still very good friends to this day. He's actually very cat-like, but he's never used the term Therian for himself. But I think one things that makes friendship work when you tell that friend about it is that you tell them once, maybe twice, and then you stop bringing it up. If you tell them once, and they accept it, then they accept it. They don't need to hear about it every day or they will get sick and tired of it. If you have a friend that's, "Okay, cool." then don't keep putting it in their face or they are going to get annoyed.

Then, I've told a couple other people. The relationships that I had with those people were kind of not positive anyway. Then I needed to distance myself from those people. One didn't believe me at all about Therianthropy. The other one did. The one who did believe me, started treating it more like roleplay. He started calling me "alpha" and "leader" and I didn't appreciate that. You could tell he didn't take it seriously. In both of those cases, I just needed to distance myself from those people anyway, and I think it was for the best.

I did briefly tell my mother once. She was just, "Okay, that's fine, but just make sure that you can get along with other people." I was really a quiet and introverted in high school. She was just concerned about me being lonely and not being able to function in society. It was kind of good advice on my mom's part. Again, I think it worked out with me telling her. What I told her was that I had a wolf soul. I might have even had the terms Therianthropy or Therianthrope at the time. I just told her that I had a wolf soul. Again, I think it worked out because I just mentioned it once, and I let it go, and I never mentioned it again. I didn't bug her or annoy her about it. And that's usually why it works out for the best.

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