21. Epilogue

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Do read the A/N below.....

Same Night

Divya and Abhishek were in the balcony of their room, admiring the beauty of the night. Breaking the silence, Abhishek spoke, "I forgot to tell you something, Divya." Divya looked at him and he continued, "You remember, I had gone to Bangalore?" Divya nodded and spoke, "Of course that was when I had realized that I was falling for you."

"What? This means that what I heard was correct," exclaimed Abhishek. Divya said, "Yes." Abhishek fake glared at her, then continued, "I met Abhay in Bangalore." Divya stared at Abhishek. Her face was full of horror. Abhishek chuckled and said, "I did not even tell him my name." Divya relaxed. "He was telling me how unlucky I am for being a father to a daughter." Divya laughed but said nothing. Abhishek asked her, "You are not angry with him or as a matter of fact, with your parents?"

Divya smied and said, "I don't feel anything for him. He is no one to me. I have no relation with him. Neither of love nor of hate. He is just a stranger. And about my parents. They are not bad, Abhi. Just their views are different from ours. And there are somethings which should be accepted as they are. They cannot be changed. Same is the case with them."

Abhishek looked at her and asked, "Why do you love me?" Divya shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. But hey, you said that you will tell me the reason for marrying me?" Abhishek nodded and said, "You used to visit Sharda Orphanage, no? I saw you there. There only I came to know about you. And...

Divya looked at him and asked, "You fell in love?" "Are you crazy? I fell in love with you after our marriage. I inquired about you. Told my mom and dad. And then we approached you," said Abhishek. Divya nodded and said, "By the way, this Sunday is the opening of my boutique." Abhishek stared at her and said, "You are telling that now." Divya shrugged and Abhishek rolled his eyes. He asked, "What is the name?" Divya again shrugged and went to sleep. 

Sunday Morning

The day of the grand opening finally arrived. Divya was already at the venue, along with four employees she had hired. The plan was to start on a small scale.

Her family (both - in-laws and maternal) arrived. After a small ritual, the curtains were lifted and everyone looked at the name. 

(The name is suggested by siyasarasaga)

"Abhya, from Abhi and Divya, Abhya. Nice name," said Swati, teasingly. Divya blushed. All of them entered the boutique. It was well furnished and decorated. Divya was showing everybody around, when her mother approached her, "If this is what makes you happy, then do it. Just remember, you have a family." Divya nodded. A word of acceptance from her mother was enough for her. She did not expect her to be glad, just her approval was enough.


Eleven Years Later

Abhishek entered the room to find Divya scolding a small boy. Seeing him, Divya exclaimed, "Your son will make world record of angering his mother for the maximum number of times." A chuckle was heard and soon Diya came and hugged her Daddy. She was now a fifteen years old beautiful girl. The boy was Deepak Srivastava, seven years old son of Abhishek and Divya. 

Abhishek moved forward and lifted his son in the air and said, "You will also make a world record, Divya. Scolding a child for the maximum number of times." Divya huffed. Abhishek moved forward and whispered to her, "Tell Diya the truth. I am taking Deepak out.

He left the room with his son and Divya signaled Diya to sit next to her. Diya obliged. Divya began speaking, "I wanted to tell you something. Your daddy, Abhi. He is....he is my..." Before Divya could complete her sentence, Diya spoke, "He is your second husband. Yeah, I know. I heard you and Daddy talking about it day before yesterday. When you were planning to tell me the truth. I know everything.

Divya looked at Diya in shock and asked, "And you did not say a word?" "What was the need? He is my Daddy. No one can change the fact and about my biological father, when he didn't want me, why should I care about him. You and Daddy are my parents and that is the truth.

Divya smiled and said, "Let's go outside."

Living Room

The mother-daughter entered the room. Vinay and Swati were sitting and watching Deepak dance around. Abhishek noticed them coming in and looked at Divya questioningly. Diya ran to him and hugging him, she said, "You are the world's best father." Deepak too came running to his father and sat in his laps. Abhishek hugged both of them and kissed their foreheads.

Divya looked at the family and smiled. Eleven years ago, she had been forced to be a part of them. And it was the best thing that happened. She had received tremendous support from them. Her boutique, Abhya, was now a big brand for women clothing. Seeing her success in her professional as well as personal life, her parents were happy and gave her their blessings.

Finally, she had everything she needed. Finally, she was complete. 


Finally, we reached the end of the story. I have got a lot to say.

1. It was not an abrupt ending. Untold Destiny was not a story of their romance. It was a story of three people- a man, his wife and their daughter. They found solace in each other and the story ended. 

2. NO. I did not run out of ideas. While writing a story, it is important to give a good introduction. And it is equally important to know when to stop. I could continue the story and bore you with useless sub-plots.

3. As Divya said in this chapter, her parents are not bad. Just their ideologies are different. And Abhay, he is no one. You feel angry on someone who is someone to you, from whom you expect something. Divya expects nothing from Abhay. He is her past and past is meant to be left behind.

4. The title - Untold means something which is not narrated or not told. When Divya married Abhishek, she did not know what will happen, she wanted to punish him, to make his life hell. Instead she fell in love with him. I guess that was "untold" destiny.

5. Divya falling in love with Abhishek so suddenly. A week after her marriage, she realizes she is falling for him. She confesses her feelings four weeks after that. And LOVE, as I have stated in almost all my stories is a very powerful emotion. It happens suddenly, without any reason. You can never pin-point why and when you fell in love with someone. And about their chemistry, once again, it's not a story of romance.

If you still feel something is missing, feel free to message me or comment. But please remember not to be rude.


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