Short Intro~

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Well first of all, ello everyone :p  (the banner ain't by me obviously though ima probably make a virtual hug animation in the future^^ i just love them so much)

This book will just contain my random drawings, i will write down any references i use, etc..  To be completely honest i dunno how active ima be here cos i'm still not used to my new school timetable even thought its been like three weeks or so? But yeah!

Ok and bout other stuffz:

 - I might do requests in the future (if i'm not so busy and if anyone wants them ;3;)

 - Same as said above with art trades, collabs, etc..

 - For now ima probs post mostly traditional pieces cos i just recently got a digital drawing pad thingy majiggy annnndddd yeah i need to try it out properly ~ I want to start using watercolour and markers and stuff too but yeah i'm new to those kinda things

 - I will participate in some challenges like inktober (ima try to at least) and yeah~ if you guys have any recommendations please go ahead and tell me ~

 - I accept critique. In fact please actually do critique my art. I want to improve so yeah if you guys have any tips and stuff please tell me~

 And that's about it..? Unless i forgot something. Oh well. Enjoy i guess if anyone does actually stumble across this book and reads this~ Love y'all! ❤ ~

Oh... i forgot to say i can't take photos to save my life so i apologise for that ahead of time.

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