Inktober days 10-12

23 8 0

Sorry for lack of posts i got really sick yesterday and literally couldnt even stand for a long while ;/ im a bit better today tho so yeah here they are:

Sorry for lack of posts i got really sick yesterday and literally couldnt even stand for a long while ;/ im a bit better today tho so yeah here they are:

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Uhm i cant draw bubbles with markers yet soo i went for a 3d ish effect? XD yeah so that happened. I like it though

This was the first time drawing a guy in profile view and it kinda flopped but yeah

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This was the first time drawing a guy in profile view and it kinda flopped but yeah

So since i didnt like day 11 i redid it kinda and well i still need to practice but im getting there!

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So since i didnt like day 11 i redid it kinda and well i still need to practice but im getting there!

— sorry I procrastinate a lot and i mean A LOT —

Its almost half term so yeah starting 18th i have a school break till like the 30th or so, but ima have a ton of hw ofc ;-; like my art teacher already told me and im here like why ;-;
But yeah see ya hopefully tomorrow thanks for the support~

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