What a sourwolf

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It's the weekend. Stiles went to his regular hang out place where he orders  coffee, very specific coffee. He walks in and looks at Derek, the biggest asshole popular jock from school sitting in his seat. He could of Sat literally anywhere else but he chose to sit exactly where Stiles sits. Stiles didn't feel like speaking to him but he was not about to let that asshole take his seat. He stormed towards the direction of the seat and shoved Derek, making him groan.

"Dude what the fuck, why are you so close to me "

I don't say a word. I order coffee and wait quietly for it to come to  the table.
I get my coffee and finally speak up.
"Why the hell  did your black haired , brown eyed, perfect jawline ass  take my seat"

" bitch,  i can sit where I choose to sit, if you don't like that then  find another seat "

He stares at Stiles with a clenched jaw ready to throw punches  at any time.

Derek is such a angry guy. He's annoying and all he cares is about how much he hates everyone.its surprising  considering  the fact that he is the jock of the school...

" don't be such a sourwolf , Derek"

" don't be such a sourwolf , Derek"

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