Chapter 3

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Running away from your problems is race you'll never win .

The weekends have been boring for me for as long as I could remember. I'd always been an antisocial person following in my sisters shadow. The only person I've ever been close to is Bethany and she has friends that she hangs out with on the weekends.

I would've asked Vanessa if she wanted to do something with me, but I'm sure she's still mad at me.

Going down stairs I pass my sisters room. Her bed room door was shut and the soft hum of people talking and music playing could be heard behind the shut door. I sighed going down the stairs I stop in the kitchen to grab my car keys. Making sure one last time my phone is in my back pocket I leave out the front door and hop inside my beautiful baby.

I start the engine and back out of the driveway. The sun is setting and a light mist is falling from the grey, blue and black sky. I love Washington weather, it's always raining and I love the rain. Driving through the empty streets I hit the main highway with cars flow in one direction. I choose a destination and started off in that direction.

Twenty minutes later I arrive at my favorite spot. The forest. I could never remember the name of the forest but it's by far my favorite one I'd been to. I parked my car and grabbed the duffle bag from the back seat. Taking one last look at my phone I note the time, 7:38. I drop the phone in the passengers seat get out the car and lock the doors.

Last time I brought my phone I lost it. I'm not willing to do that again. Taking the hiking trail I followed the windy path. Mist began to settle in and I took a deep breath of the cool refreshing air. Once I got to the fork in the road I took the left path. I found a while back that this path is the least taken, because humans get lost as the path disappears and blends in with the earth.

Deciding I had gone deep enough I dropped my bag behind a tree and shed my clothes, looking around one last time I shift, trading my normal skin for fur and a tail. My wolf, Nina, shook and let the cool breeze engulf her. I often forget to let her out, Nina is the exact opposite of me. She's bold outgoing and won't stand for dumb shit. She fills in all the missing pieces for me.

I let her take control and run free.

As we ran across the forest floor we came across a group of human campers who starred at us in awe. The group of hikers froze in their tracks as did I taking control. I sat in place waiting to see the next move. The campers approached me with a piece of beef jerky in hand. Brave soul, I walk forward and stuck my tongue out of my mouth. The guys proceeded to stair in awe as one of the girls cowered back in fear.

Finally reaching the guy with his our stretched hand I took the food and backed up a few paces. The Human continued to step forward. I laid down on my stomach as I gnawed on the beef jerky. At last the human reached me and put on hand on the top of my head with his eyes closed. I did nothing as he continued to pet me and open his eyes.

The other guy finally joined. As I stood up they kind of back up oh how bad I wanted to smile and laugh for their cowardice.

"Dude this wolf is huge!" One spoke.

"You had the balls to pet it," the other spoke. The one that spoke first slapped the guy in the back of the head and I backed up on instinct.

"It's a girl you idiot if you call her an it she's gonna attack us!"

I mentally shook my head.

"Guys get away from her she's freaking huge!" The girl spoke to the two guys her phone was held in front of her face. Deciding it was time to take my leave I turned around and took off letting Nina take back control.

I loved humans reactions when I let them pet me and I usually got free food from it. When I first turned I would never dare go near a human afraid of loosing control, but now, now I loved it. Their fingers in my fur rubbing my back or stomach. It's all so satisfying and the only time I'd willingly interact with people.

I get to a clearing in the forest. An edge that hung above the world and when you went up you could see the whole forest covered in fog. It was absolutely wonderful.

Lost in Thought I didn't see the person standing on the Clift. Stoping mid track I back up and hide behind a bush as the person turns around. I froze when the scent of the air hit me. It was a piney very earthy scent. The scent belonged to a human?

"Who's there?" He's most definitely not human. The person radiates power. I could feel it radiate off in waves even from the place I stood and this scared me, "come out. I'm not going to hurt you I promise," not wanting to take the chance I turned around and dashed away, "Wait don't leave!"

With him hot on my tail I dashed through the trees winding up the path slowing him down he didn't know the forest as I knew it. Nina wanted control she wanted to stop running an face the guy, but I fought back and ran with all my will power. I got back to my duffle shifted as fast as I could and threw on my clothes.

Dashing back to my car I hopped inside taking a breather. Not wanting to stop moving I started the engine and pulled out, speeding off. In my rear view mirror I saw him looking at the back of my car.

I've just come to accept I will always be a coward and I just possibly ran away from my Mate.

How are y'all on this fine Tuesday ? I hope great! As for me I'm still doing a project that was due yesterday 😭 . My life

My sisters boyfriend. My mate. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now