Chapter Six

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When Cassandra and Nate entered the Mr. and Mrs. Smithson's residence, the first person they saw was Lord Southerby, who glared at both of them. Cassandra felt a jolt of annoyance at that, for he had no right to be angry with her. She and Nate had not planned to humiliate him or anything of the like. He had not even asked her to court him or spoken of it to her before approaching her brother. She never would have said yes, but she still expected common courtesy to be followed.

"Ah, Nathaniel, m'boy!" Mr. Smithson grinned, embracing her brother quickly. Both Nate and Cassandra couldn't help but reciprocate this smile, for the Smithsons had been very dear friends to her parents when they had been alive and Cassandra could recall them being present through at least half her childhood. They were good, honest people who did not allow their wealth or the ton to get to their heads. They were very kind, as well, and always treated the Whitlock siblings as if they were their own children. "And Cassandra. You look just like your mother — it is as if you grow lovelier every time we see you."

"Thank you, Mr. Smithson." She said warmly. She would have hugged him, but it wasn't exactly appropriate. Mrs. Smithson, however, did not seem to care for that and launched herself at Cassandra. She wrapped her arms around her and Cassandra giggled before reciprocating the gesture, the other woman's warmth and affection reminding her of her mother and what it felt like to have one. Mrs. Smithson kissed her cheek once before pulling away.

"How have you been?" She asked, taking Cassandra's hand while Nate and Mr. Smithson immediately engaged themselves in a conversation about something or the other to do with the estate. "You must tell me everything that has happened since I saw you last. How is Allie?"

"I am wonderful, nothing has changed since we last met and Allie is the same as always." Cassandra calmly answered her every question before allowing Mrs. Smithson to lead her into the centre of the drawing room, where the rest of the party was. Apart from Lord Southerby, there was an even mix of people she recognized and people she was not acquainted with. She scanned the room, but found that Christopher was not present and neither was Emily, who'd sent a missive earlier saying that she would certainly be coming.

"Are there any gentlemen that have caught your fancy?" Mrs. Smithson's eyes glittered curiously as she looked at Cassandra, searching for an answer. "For, if there are, I'm sure your parents would expect Mr. Smithson and I to thoroughly interrogate the young man in their place before you marry. Although, I'm not sure that it is necessary for Nate is very protective of you and will definitely threaten a man with mortal harm." Mrs. Smithson sounded so approving that Cassandra had to laugh.

"Well, you needn't worry about all of that as there is absolutely no one." Cassandra reassured her, even as a pair of dark eyes entered her mind's eye. She pushed it out immediately. Just because they had had an enjoyable conversation and he was kind to her it did not mean either of them thought of the other in that way. It was stupid of her, as she barely knew the man.

"Would you like me to rectify that?" Mrs. Smithson offered immediately, her eyes searching the room nodding subtly a man in a highly decorated naval uniform. He wore the epaulettes of a Captain. He was rather handsome, with sandy brown hair and a lean, muscular frame. Cassandra did not feel any interest whatsoever, though.

"His name is Captain Francis Bentham. He's two and thirty and became Captain at the mere age of five and twenty due to his bravery in the Napoleonic Wars. He's also very unattached and very handsome."

"Thank you, but I don't think so." Her words appeared short and, if she was being honest, rude. However, Mrs. Smithson only laughed, shaking her head.

"You shall be the death of me one of these days, Cassie, I tell you." She informed her. Cassandra wished to speak with her longer, but she was soon called to the other side of the room to receive a family who had just arrived.

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