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Charlie's POV

I grab the coat that hung over the back of the wooden desk chair. Quickly throwing it over my shoulders, I eagerly make my way out of Welton.

The air was cold.

The snowflakes that spun in the night amongst the wind had settled down. Instead, falling slowly from the clear night sky, atop snow-clad trees.

I force my footsteps to move quicker, both in an attempt to escape the frigid night air, and get to Violet.

When I told Violet I loved her for the first time, I had meant it more than I've ever meant anything. In fact, as the words left my mouth, it occurred to me that I had never uttered those words before with such meaning and emotion.

I watch the frosted air leave my mouth, as I begin to hear the soft bass of music in the distance.

A small smile graces my face at the realization that I was getting closer.

My feet finally reach the 'welcome' matt that sat in front of the unlocked door.

I dust off my damp shoes, before reaching to grasp the slick handle.

The living room was by no means small, but the thirty bodies that danced to the song that played from the record machine, made the walls feel closer.

My eyes scan the room for Violet.

I spot Knox closer to the back, his chin resting atop Christine's head, as they sway slowly to the music. I smile— pleased Knox was able to be with the girl he cared for. Lord knows I cherish that feeling more than anything.

My smile falters when I spot Lucy— she's standing alone in the opposite corner from Knox. A smile sits on her features, as she stares unblinkingly ahead of her.

My gaze soon falls upon her eye-line.

Swaying softly in the middle of the room, surrounded by many other couples lovingly gazing into their partner's eyes, was Violet.

However, she hadn't been swaying alone. Two arms had wrapped themselves around her waist, their head hung loosely above her shoulder. Although I couldn't see a face, I recognized the distinct dirty blond locks.

I knew it, I think angrily to myself as a sharp pain encompasses my heart. My throat felt tight, as an unwelcome pit begins to form deep inside my stomach.

My hurt soon turns to rage— as the boy who held my girlfriend closely— begins to close the gap that remained between them even further.

I felt my pulse radiating in my temples, the blood cursing through my veins, as I quickly and unapologetically pushed through the dancing couples to reach Violet.

"What the hell is this!?" I ask loudly— no demand—grabbing the attention of the other party-goers, if I hadn't already.

Violet's expression is that of confusion, as she shoots me a glare as if to say keep it down.

She removes herself from Jack, quickly and quietly guiding us to the porch.

"What's your problem?" She semi-shouts once the frigid night air has hit our skin.

"My problem?" I practically scoff, earning a harsh glare from Violet.

"What about you? You were all over him!" I bite back, my voice booming louder than I would have liked.

Despite the anger that radiates throughout my body, the look of pain that flashes through her otherwise kind eyes, was enough to soften me.

The front door behind us swings open abruptly, causing both of our heads to turn in it's direction.

The party had returned to full swing, the record spun, and the dancing commenced.

Standing tall in the doorway was Jack. He glanced nervously between the two of us before slowly retreating into the house.

"I-I'll leave you to it," he spoke, offering Violet a small smile, before closing the door.

I shrugged knowingly, standing from the porch step and dusting off my slacks.

"Well," I spoke lowly, hoping she couldn't hear the pain behind my tone.

"I should go."

"-Charlie, wait!" She spoke suddenly, grabbing my arm.

"Look, it's not what you think." Her tone was strong, but I could sense a small waver behind her intense front.

"I know what I saw," I retort— my voice becoming increasingly harsh, as my anger reappears.

Her shoulders sag, as she hangs her head, causing the muscles around my heart to constrict and ache merely at the sight of her.

"It was just a dance. God, Charlie, don't you trust me?" She asks, her voice now fragile, barely above that of a whisper.

Her eyes bore into mine intensely. Her orbs were glassy, as though they would shatter if I said no.

Instinctively, I wanted to say yes. To put all of this nonsense behind us, and move forward. But the angry and jealous side of me— the side that knew deep down I didn't deserve her— turned and walked away into the cold, dark night.

A/N: Hi!! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've had sooo much school work :(
I think I've (sort of ) decided how I want to end this story SOO there will be about 10-15 (maybe 20, give or take) more chapters until the conclusion!! Thanks again for continuing to read amidst my slow updates 💓

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