Chapter Three

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It takes three hours to reach the new packhouse, three hours that I can't help but spend thinking about that kiss. Maybe running is a bad idea.

Pfft what am I saying? Of course I have to run! Or... I could play him, make him trust me, and then reject him~ leaving him too heartbroken to come after me or even care about me leaving. Wow, I'm a genius!

So Mr. Alpha Wants me? Well I'm ready to play his game so he better bring it.

Wow I sound so cool, like walk-away-with-my-back-to-an-explosion-while-wearing-sunglasses cool.

I'm awoken from my James Bond daydream by my passenger door opening and Logan aka the enemy, picking me up.

"Come on, let me go. I promise not to run!" He dosen't look convinced and keeps tight hold of me.

"When have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

"Huh, when you ran away from me twice and then nearly rejected me.. again, twice?"

"Oh well..." I have no answer that so I go for the puppy dog approach, " I jsut want to be happy and I'm just so afraid of commitment and I can't and my parents died, and you're just so sudden and you want me to come along so fast and I-i-i just can't help it.."

I pull out all the stops; puppy dog eyes, crocodile tears... wow its so weird how there are animal-based names for all these. I never noticed before.

Basically: I used a zoo to get what I want. Wow this is weird.

"Aww babe, don't cry, I'm sorry.. I just don't want to lose you."

Now I feel bad! Great!

" Do you even know my name?!?!" I start getting angrier, I need to make him feel bad, guilty, so he'll give me a 'consolation prize', so to speak.

"No, no babe, I do, of course I do."

"Really? Well what is it?" Huh, he actually seems to not know my name.

That stings a bit actually, wow.

"Jane." He says the word with complete confidence... aaand I immediately burst into tears, not all of which are fake. Through this burst of tears, I also manage to let out all my frustration at basically being kidnapped from my home.

This helps fuel my next words, "No.. I-its Juliette and I don't get it, if you don't even care enough to know my name, why have you been so mean and I just miss my best friend and I wanna go home!"

I should be on broadway. Seriously.

I feel like I could burst into song any minute.

"Juliette I am so so sorry." He unties me and sets me beside him.

Yes! It worked. Well I mean, now I have to hold his hand... like ew. Should I pull away?

Just take one for the team Jules, come on. My wolf urges me. Athough she sounds like she's just helping play it cool: I know the truth. She wants to be close to him. And not just because he's carrying me so I won't run away.

Fine. Just this once. I have to blend in anyways.

As we wlak into the packhouse, which, may I just say is a lot fancier than my old one, he speaks again.

"Look Juliette. I am so sorry about the name thing okay? But I am pretty proud of the kidnapping. So now we're gonna meet the pack and then go upstairs."

"What the heck? You're so controlling! Maybe I don't want to just meet the pack! AND I hate that you just assume I want to be with you?!"

His face contorts with anger, "I am your Alpha and your mate. You will do what I say and you will NEVER reject me again."

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