Hello Again

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Levi understood there were definite benefits to being Sonny or Alice. Biological intelligence was slow. Painfully slow. Reconciling emotions, morals, and social decisions slowed everything down. After exobiologist Anna Hauser's second meeting with one of the Te'Hat, things were starting to get complicated. This whole vision thing had taken on a life of its own. He couldn't leave for Earth if it doomed the colonists to disaster. They couldn't pick up and leave either. The colonists couldn't even move the domes! It was still possible they could be moving the domes to the future disaster location. The Te'Hat had said later rather than sooner. A meaningless statement. Later could be tomorrow. Later could be a thousand years from now. At this point, he needed to prepare the colonists for the worst and take their chances with later.

Then there was Corporal Harris. He continued to be doing fine although unhappy about being a specimen. The odds were improving for him. Even if the atmosphere eventually checks out, we would never actually know if some bug doesn't rear its ugly head and try to wipe out the colonists. The colonists would have the best chance of survival if they all took the Elixir. The nanobots against an unknown would be good insurance. The Valiant's crew will not want the Elixir. They would consider it an invasion. He could make them, but should he? Should he let them choose? If half of the colonists die off, it would imperil the rest of the settlement.

The repair work in space and construction down on the planet continued. Atlantis had already lost a few people to accidents and curveballs this solar system sent their way. Levi understood knowledge is not free, and there is always a price to pay for ignorance. He also knew that after you build your mighty ship, and escape, you don't get to leave death behind. Neither do you push a button and zip to your new Eden and live happily ever after. If Atlantis spent a couple of years at each pit stop, this journey was going to take an eternity.

Levi had instructed Dr. Hauser to stop by every day at the last place she had met with the Te'Hat. They didn't know when the next meeting would take place. She would ask if Fred would accompany us to the dome for continued talks. Levi couldn't wait to speak to this Fred fellow. He needed to know if the colonists would be alright if they remained behind. For that matter, if they would be allowed to stay!

"Captain," Sonny said. Interrupting his thoughts.

"Yes, Sonny," Levi replied.

"Specialist Anna Hauser has reported a pair of Te'Hat moving purposefully in her direction."

"Good. Dr. Hauser is to continue as planned. Security will not move in but stay on guard. I am moving to her location now."

"Already executed Captain," Sonny acknowledged.

Captain Metcalfe visited the domes daily in case there had been contact. He could hit the ground and move in quickly to the meeting. Levi put his suit on in seven minutes. A new personal record. A couple of hundred yards away from the dome Anna waited. He quickly covered the distance and met Dr. Hauser and the two Te'Hat. Levi didn't exactly know what to expect.

"Hello, Dr. Hauser, can you introduce me to your friends?"

"Certainly, Captain Metcalfe. May I present to you the delegation from the Sce'Rood clan? On the right here is the leader of the Elders and his clan, Mat'Ma and his Elder Representative Melon. Melon has been known to us as Fred. Mat'Ma, may I introduce you to the leader of our clan, Captain Metcalfe?"

Levi noticed the Mat'Ma to be larger than Melon and with slightly different markings. "It is a pleasure to meet with you at last. Is there someplace we can all travel so you may be more comfortable?"

The Mat'Ma spoke first. "It is good calling out to you this day. No shame on Anna Hauser who we have first spoken with, but she is not an Elder leader or one that can make decisions for your clan.

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