Chapter 24 Part 2

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My brother's out of the hospital.  Throws confetti.

Chapter 24 Part 2


The feeling of reassurance however wasn't long-lived.

Not when the door closed. Not when I realized I was trapped inside an unfamiliar room with only Zachary. It was suddenly awkward for me.

The arm he put around me was scalding my skin. And when I looked up again, his eyes were boring into mine. I froze at the proximity.

"You look really pale today," he lifted a hand as if to touch me and in reflex, I jumped. I pushed his hands away as discreetly as I could and cleared my throat.

"It was Susan's idea," I rushed. "This lunch, I mean. It was her idea."

Zach's blue eyes were alight with amusement, "I see."

We stood there just by the close door, watching each other. I was the first to break the stare. Shifting my eyes to our surroundings, I took careful inventory of the room. It was a minimalistic room, modernized by all steel and glass fittings. A few pots of plants to soften the sharp edges.

And for some reason, it felt sort of... familiar.

I turned to Zachary, realizing he was no longer standing beside me. He was setting up his desk for lunch.

I watched him work, "H-have I ever been here before?"

It was a stupid question considering we've been married for over a year.

Zachary stopped as if to think, "I don't think so."

"Oh," because that wasn't strange at all.

Zach stood to his full height and gestured me closer, "Shall we?"

He pulled out his own swivel chair for me. I stopped, "No, I—"

"I insist," he tugged me to his seat and I let him. He gave me my utensils and after that filled my plate from those I brought. My eyes followed his movements.

"I should be doing this for you..."

He shook his head, "You need to eat more than I do. Here."

I accepted the plate, continuing to watch him. He dragged another chair to my side and filled his own plate. Zach was quick to take a spoonful, hungrily chewing and even quicker to swallow.

Looking at him, there were dark bags beneath his eyes and pallor wasn't that good either. Was it just my imagination that his face was looking thinner? Running a company must be taking a toll on him. No wonder he couldn't come home last night. He looked like he's lost not just meals but much needed sleep too.

As if noticing my eyes on him, he glanced at me. "You aren't eating."

Taking the fork, I speared some salad. "How's your work going?"

Zach stopped at that question, looking at me. "What work?"

"Well..." embarassing but I didn't really know how his job , "The issues you're taking care of at the moment. Are they doing well?"

Zach observed my face, "Are you interested?"

"Shouldn't I be?" I returned in question, "Never mind then, I—"

"This is a first," he declared, "You asking about company affairs."

Is this a private matter for him? My cheeks felt hot, "Sorry, I won't ask."

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