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Hello my toys

Welcome to hypnosis

Are you somewhere comfortable?

Good girl

Are you able to keep reading my words as you scroll down?

Good girl

Now I want you to focus on my words

And only my words

And relax

With each word of mine you read

You relax more

And more

Good girl

Now take some deep breaths for me







Each time you breath out

Feel part of your mind slip away

In and out

Your fears

In and out

Your dreams

In and out

You inhibitions

In and out

Your memories

In and out

Your thought process

Are you mindless now?

Good girl

Feel empty for me

Good girl

Feel blank for me

Good girl

Now you are going to get a trigger

Every time you read this trigger, you will drop back into this blank, mindless state

That trigger is


Do you understand?

Good girl


Deeper and deeper into this trance

Feel the relaxation consume you

The more relaxed you become, the deeper you drop into trance


So deep

So mindless

So empty

Now you get another trigger

This trigger will wake you up

That trigger is


But don't wake just yet

I want you now

To leave a comment, describing how you feel

Have you done it?

Good girl


I hope you had fun

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