Arc 7.6

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As soon as the twins set foot at the spot where the battle was taking place there was a silent cry and vibration that spread through the planet; it originating from the Source Tree that was currently dying due to the Queen. 

"Her speed has increased due to the dead she's devouring as well as the Source Energy from the root of the tree," Han Wu said as he scanned the battle in front of them. 

Men and women fought side by side as they confronted the invading creatures that had manifested on one of their home planets. Vrahqs were a type of alien creature with a solid exoskeleton and resembled something similar to a deformed spider with six legs ending in razor sharp points. Some of them were small in stature depending on their unique skills such as devouring souls. Their coloring also indicated how dangerous they were. 

When Yang Gui Du looked at the forces fighting one another he could see that the Vrahqs had some sort of coordination. In the center of a group was a rather large one with yellow coloring which indicated that the thing had to be taken down by an Alpha with considerable power. A ring of red colored Vrahqs of medium size surrounded the yellow one and interspersed were tiny black ones that were more of a pain in the ass than the other two. These ones would suck the soul out of anything in its vicinity if you didn't shield with your Source Energy.

"We need a path to the hole," Yang Gui spoke over the sounds of battle.

"I'll take lead," Han Wu answered with a curt nod. 

Yang Gui watched as his brother pressed the buttons on the devices in his hands and formed two blades made from a thin razor sharp metal as well as his source energy. He also made sure to cover himself and pull free a long and short blade. His brother took off in front, cutting down anything that came towards them. It was plain chaos.

Neither could tell friend from foe and Yang Gui merely watched his twin's back and pushed forward. It seemed as though they were rushing through rather quickly but instead they were merely going in circles as the Vrahqs corralled them around. 

Snarls and clicking rent the air as Han Wu breathed heavily, covered in green and black blood that oozed like pus down his body. 

"We need to cut through them! They're trying to hold us off!"

Yang Gui made sure his brother could hear him over the clashing of their own swords against solid skeletons. Han Wu gritted his teeth as he veered left and slid beneath one of the red Vrahqs that had been pushing them from the edge of a group of soul eaters. He brought his sharp blade up and thrust it forward to drag at the softer underbelly, disemboweling it. Yang Gui had lost the long sword somewhere and was fending with the short one but immediately followed his brother as he drew a gun. 

The red Vrahq, in it's death throes, stumbled forward and Yang Gui helped it along as he flipped over a soul eater to land on it's head before pulling out a Source gun and firing it at the little black Vrahqs jumping towards him. In quick succession he killed five before sliding down the body to where his brother was pushing himself through the beasties. 

It took them over a half an hour to finally make it near the hole but there were over  dozen red Vrahqs and they knew it would be near impossible with just the two of them to get through. However, they noticed how the Queen seemed to be dragging her dead back into it's burrow not caring if her webbing snagged humans along with it. They looked at one another grimly.

"Looks like that's our only option," Yang Gui said through gritted teeth as he stabbed his short sword into the belly of a Red Vrahq that had charged them. It continued fighting until it could no longer move. 

"Best to grab hold now!"

Yang Gui quickly fired off at the soul eaters that began skittering towards them and knelt a bit to stand atop the red Vrahq they just killed. His back was turned from the hole when Han Wu pushed him out of the way of the webbing. The Queen's web latched onto the closer section of the body of her dead and quickly pulled the carcass into the hole. In the surroundings the red Vrahq had no time to prevent the humans from entering their Queen's lair. 

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