Chapter 4-

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"Eighteen," I breath clutching the covers tighter. Oh God make it stop! It hurts so much! He said if I missed a number he'd start all over again until I got it right. Apparently that thing he had in his hands is called a paddle, I now see why.

Whimpering I cry "Nineteen." Damn could he possibly do it any harder then he already is? Cuz if so I'm screwed! How much longer is this going to go on?! I'm so close to breaking down and begging him to stop. But this is what I wanted, so now I have to suffer through this till the end.

"Twenty!" I whimper. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S OVER! When nothing happened for 30 seconds I assume it's finally over, but I was so wrong.

Yup I was right, I'm so screwed if he can hit me with that thing any harder then already. When he swung I was not expecting it so I squeaked out of surprise then whimpered the number "Twenty one!" But I basically scream it because of how hard he hit me.

"Good girl, you can stand up now," he tells me.

Slowly getting up my ass hurts like fury and I'm positive that I won't be able to sit down for weeks. Then I feel arms wrap around me from behind and jump hardly managing to stifle my squeak of surprise.

"How do you feel," he asks me concerned.

"Stupid." I say bluntly.

"Why?" He asks genuinely sounding confused.

"Who in their right of mind would ever want to be punished!" I exclaim. "Least now I know what I'm trying to avoid," I mumble to myself.

Walking over to some place int he room I suddenly feel something cold on my butt and turn around to give a look that says, 'What the hell was that?!'

"It's cream, it'll make it feel better," he tells me. Without a second of Hesitation I turn back around. After a minute he finally says, "Done." Oh thank god.

Sighing I sit down the bed but as soon as my butt touches the bed I realize my mistake. Yelping I spring back up and glare at the bed as though it had commented some major crime against me. Then I hear laughing and turn around to Look at Chase with a look that says, 'are you kidding me'.

Walking over to me he wrapped his arms around me and I put my head to his chest and just stand there breathing for God knows how long for when I moved away from him most of the pain in my ass had already gone away.

"I think you should go shower. It's about time for me to start dinner and I want you washed up before you eat," he tells me.
I'm about to say okay but I quickly correct myself. "Yes Master," I say. "Ummm, I do not know where the bathroom is," I state.

"Fallow me," he instructs. I do as I'm told.

Walking into a big bathroom I start to get the impression this is a very expensive house. Looking around I see he already had everything I would need.

"I assume you know how to run the faucets," he says. "Oh and cold water," he tells me. Hearing this I'm positive my facial expression turned into a 'nope, no way that's gonna happen' expression.

"But I hate cold showers," I complain. I am so not going to take a cold shower!

"If you were to take a hot shower that would make your ass hurt worse then already. Cold water would be the best. If you still refuse to take a shower then you will go to bed with no dinner to night," he says looking at me with a look that said he knew he won.

I was about to say, looks like I'm not eating dinner then but then I realized how hungry I was. The only thing I've eaten all day is Breakfast and that was like an entirety ago. "Fine," I say.

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