Chapter 5 Part 2

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I will be writing this chapter in pure English because it's late and I'm tired. Sorry! But comment if you just want it in pure English but pretend!

(Not Edited)

Cecilia's POV

I had just taken a shower because it was almost time for my date with Anthony. I know it might be too soon but I like him. Joseph had never done something like this. Joseph would show me affection but he would always go on the phone or email. I tried not to let it bother me but it did. But right now I'm focused on Anthony. I decided on a coral colored dress with some black flats. I put some gold earrings and started on my make up. I just put some mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss. I finished and grabbed my purse. I walked downstairs and saw Anthony waiting for me with a single rose. I smiled and walked up to him. His back was facing me and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard Anthony chuckle and turned me around so I was facing his chest. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. Anthony kissed my forehead and took my hand. We walked put of the house and to the truck. I was about to open my door but Anthony opened it for me. "What a gentlemen," I said and pecked his lips. Except Anthony held me there and gave me a passionate kiss. I pushed him away and said," easy." He blushed and snuck a peck. I playfully glared and got into the car.

At the village....

"No no no," I said as we got out of the car. "Yes," Anthony said and pulled me by the waist to his chest. "Your crazy," I said. "For you," Anthony whispered in my ear making me shiver. He smirked at my reaction and I glared playfully. No I was going to win! I went on my tippy toes and leaned in so I was close to his ear. "Maybe in crazy for you to. But I guess we'll never find out," I whispered and but his ear lightly. I knew that turned him on because when I walked away I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist. Anthony buried his head in my neck and I said," are we going to go eat or you going to keep smelling me?" "I wasn't smelling you," He whined like a little boy and I laughed. "Come on we are going to Lilly's," Anthony said and I smiled. Lilly's was the best restaurant in the village. It was half a bar and half a restaurant. We arrived at Lilly's and Anthony asked for a table. "Cecilia!" I heard someone yell and I turn to see Lilly Gonzalez, the owner. She hugged me and said," finally your back. I remember when you were just a little girl. I see your not alone. Anthony wouldn't stop talking about you since you left." I looked at a blushing Anthony and said," Really?" "Yeah he even carried your picture around. But I'm glad to see your together. He was depressed ever since you were gone. He even..," Lilly didn't finish because Anthony cut her off. "Okay okay. Lilly can we go to our table," Anthony says with an embarrassed look. "Sure," Lilly said and led us to a table by the window.

After Dinner....

"Come back for breakfast!" Lilly yelled and we laughed. Anthony and I held hands and walked to little park. A small band was playing and Anthony turned. "May I have this dance?" He asked and I nodded. Anthony wrapped his arm around my waist and took my hand in his. We started to sway and then he twirled me. I giggled and Anthony pulled me to his chest. We kept dancing around the park and people started to look. The song ended and Anthony dipped me. I laughed and he chuckled. People started clapping as I got up and we blushed. "Gracias. Muchas Gracias," Anthony said and pulled me up the stairs of the little stage. On the side there was a black bag. He walked over to the bag and pulled out a small black box. Then Anthony pulled out a frame. He have me the frame and I saw a picture of us when we were six years old holding hands. "Remember when my mom took this. I told you and my mom you were going to be the woman I married," Anthony said and tears started to well up in my eyes. "Yeah. You kissed my cheek and I grabbed your hand. Your mom took the picture and said that it was fine with her," I said and wiped a few tears. "She always thought you were the perfect girl. My mother said you were going to be a beautiful lady when you grew up. She was right," He said and wiped a few more tears," but I didn't want to make you said so I hope this will cheer you up." Anthony opened the black box and I saw a golden bracelet. It looked like the promise bracelet Anthony gave me for my 16 birthday. I lost the bracelet in the woods. The bracelet was the same except this one was gold and had tiny diamonds. While the other one was made of beads and string. Even the description changed from something about friendship to the most romantic thing I've ever heard.....

"My heart is and always will be yours."

- Jane Austen

I smiled and looked at Anthony who was already starring at me. "I know it's really early to tell you that I love you. But I've loved you since we were 16. When HE took you away I didn't stop loving you. You were everything I ever wanted. If you give me a chance I promise I will take care of you and the baby," Anthony said," this bracelet represents a promise that I'll wait for you until your ready to fall in love." I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed Anthony's face and pulled him to be. I gave him a passionate kiss and pulled away. "I think I already have," I whispered.


I am honestly really proud of this chapter! Please comment what you though and just to let everyone know I am doing one more chapter before the nine month skip to when Cecilia is having the baby. Then I will do the three year skip.

Also the kidnapping my nurse will be posted tomorrow. I'm excited about that one also. I just need a names. What should the Alpha's name be and what should the nurse's name be? Comment.

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