Chapter twelve - Because

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The rain sprinkles lightly against my face and I smile. We're sitting alone in a dimly lit park, the heat of Harry's body fills me with a sense of joy as he scoots closer to me across the bench. His long slender fingers brushing against my knuckles, thin lips pursed, green eyes staring straight into mine. I gulp, nervous with anticipation as one of his hands comes to rest on top of my hip.

I gently brush his damp curls out of his face, offering a shy smile as I do. His eyes flicker to my lips for a split second and back to my eyes. Dimples in his cheeks appear as a small crooked grin spreads across his features, his free hand carefully rises to my face and his fingers gently caress my cheek. His eyes flicker to my lips, I let out a small gasp as he leans in and -




What the hell is that? I force a muffled groan into my pillow, turning my head lazily toward the night stand. The monotonous buzzing hisses in my ears, each and every one of them sending a thump deeper into my head, pounding against my skull. What year is it? How many centuries have I been sleeping? More buzzing screams at me. It can't be my alarm because I didn't set one for today. I had put in for a day off this week...hadn't I? Moaning, I shuffle closer to the stand, I reach out my arm only for the buzzing to stop. Huffing a sigh, I turn back into my pillow my body sinking into the mattress.

I think for a moment... that dream... I can't think like that, never mind dream it. I shift awkwardly and uncomfortably under the covers. I shouldn't think of Harry like that... He's a friend, a past resident at the shelter and that's all. That's all he has to be, nothing more. I tug awkwardly at my boxers to try and get rid of the strange niggling of discomfort that rests between my thighs, grimacing.

I kick off the covers and sit up dangling my legs over the side of the bed and squeezing my eyes shut. It's been another week and Harry still hasn't turned up. Is he even real? Have I made him up? No. I just can't find him. Maybe I'm not good enough to find him. Most people would just give up, tell you to get over it and forget. But I can't seem to.

Not five minutes later the tedious hum starts once again. The buzzing is louder now, and my eyes snap open at the sound. My phone is practically jumping off of the night stand. I quickly glance at the digital clock that is sitting inches away from my vibrating phone; 8:42 am. I let out a disgruntled sigh. I suppose I'm never going to get a lie in, ever. I'm not at the shelter today and I'm not at the Hunts until tomorrow... so who and why is someone calling me? Picking up the hunk of plastic I check the caller ID and a tired, yet amused smirk sits upon my lips.

"Jackie?" I answer, pressing the phone up to my ear, hearing cheerful singing on the other end of the speaker.

"Happy birthday to you." She chimes while I bob my head, my anger of being disturbed disappearing. I have to cover my mouth to stop myself from letting out a laugh. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear, Sammy! Happy birthday to yoooooou." Her voice cracking between each beat proves that she is not a natural born singer, even if she is only singing happy birthday. "Yaaaay!" Jackie lets out a noisy chortle in excitement and I can't help but join in.

"That was brilliant, thank you," I feel the heat rise in my cheeks from glee and embarrassment. I'm grateful for the fact that I am in my room alone so no one can see the ugly sheepish grin that refuses to leave my lips.

"Now get your arse out of bed, I'm outside." She says and then I hear a light tap on the front door. I raise a brow and get up from the bed, the old mattress creaking as I do. Walking over to the window, I pull the blind to the side squinting as the sun streams into my eyes. Jackie stands by the door, phone up to her ear looking up at me with an expression of expectancy.

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