Chapter 35

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👆🏻The guys 🤤🤤🤤


"Hello, it's me Sophia...I just want to let you know that Georgie just got hospitalized and I think I should let you know. Thanks."

I'm listening to the voice note on my house phone and somehow the voice note comes from Sophia. Clyde's grandpa got hospitalized and I don't have any idea if I should come or not.

But the next things I do is taking my car keys and go straight into hospital. I try to call Sky or Nadine or Becca or Sean but no one pick up the phone.

"Where are you guys all." I whisper to myself on my way to the hospital.

"Come on pick up the phone."

I give up after five times trying to call one of them and I decide to call Ian.

"Ian Woods, what can I help you?" he said when he picked up the phone.

"Ian! Thanks god you answering my call. Do you have any idea about Mr. Anderson getting hospitalized?" I asked Ian.

"What? Which Anderson?" he asked me again.

"Georgie..." I told him.

"No, I don't have any fucking idea. Our parents have a meeting with Clyde's parents today."

"But Sophia just leaved a voice note. Mom and dad should know about this, right?" I asked Ian.

"Where are you now?" Ian asked me.

"I'm going to hospital."

"Alright, I will talk to dad and I will call you after that. Please drive safely." Ian said to me and ended the phone call.

When I arrived at the hospital, I quickly go to the reception to ask where Mr. Anderson is.

"Are you family?" asked one of the nurses to me.

"Uhm...I'm his grandson fiancée." I told her.

"Ok, just go to fourth floor and turn right then go straight there will be VIP rooms. Find room number 0707." She told me and I go to lift to go upstairs to the fourth floor.

I walk through the wall to Mr. Anderson room until I heard someone foot steps behind me.

"Willow!" I look at Sophia who is walking so fast toward me. I stop and wait for me, when we are close enough; she is hugging me so tightly.

"Thank you for coming here" She said to me.

"I'm sorry for what happen. I've tell my parents but they don't reply yet." I said to Sophia.

She nods her head, "Please have some coffee with me?" she asked me and I nod my head. We walk to the cafeteria.

"What do you want dear?" Sophia asked me.

"Uhm....Hot tea its okay." I said softly.

After we put our order, Sophia now looking at me and exhale her breath, she looks so tired.

"This morning, your parents are asking us to meet them at their office and it happen that Clyde's grandpa insist to come too because he want to meet your parents. What happened next is totally a disaster and it is our family fault. Willow, I know that Clyde probably have tell you about my marriage problems with his father and it cost us a really bad thing. It costs my daughter, Clyde's little sister because we are too busy to cope with everything that happened. Clyde's father buried himself on his work....And affairs, me doing anything like meeting friends to make myself sure that everything is still normal and Clyde...he is also the victim and he decide to do anything that he want to do. Our selfishness costs us our little angel. Everything is just going down the hill from there."

I only could look at Sophia and hold her hand, offering her some support, "I'm sorry." I said softly.

Sophia now shook her head, "No, don't be sorry for us. I try to fix anything and everything seems like going okay with Clyde's father but then I realized our relationship with Clyde itself have already ruined on so many level.

So the last thing that we want is finding someone that truly could understand him."
This time I shook my head," Sophia, I never know him and how can I understand him if I never know him before?" I asked her.

"That's when Clyde's grandpa come into the picture. About the inheritance, it is true that Clyde have his inheritance from his grandpa but he just get it the day you choose the condo and it is the truth also that his grandpa want him to marry you but it's not an ultimatum like what you heard from Meghan. Sooner or later Clyde will get his inheritance from his grandpa. The reason why his grandpa made it look like an ultimatum to him is because his grandpa knows that Clyde would tried break loose. So he made it look like an ultimatum and that's enough to make Clyde agree to marry you."

I look at Sophia; it's never been that way.

Meghan just make it look like Clyde just using me when the truth is Clyde still got his inheritance even he doesn't marry me. Meghan just playing her mind tricked on me and I got into her trick. It is never been an ultimatum and here I am assuming something that far from the truth. Oh what have I done?

"The reasons why Clyde's grandpa choose you for Clyde is because he have seen you grown up and Wood's family is the closest thing to our family and I see you grown into a good and lovely woman. I know everything that we have done; it's a good thing for you both. Then I could see my baby start to open up and he admitted it that he loves you and that's why he paid for the condo and put your name on the paper. He never have any thought to leave you, it's not Clyde. Clyde won't do something like that if he only wanted to use you. Why bother buying you a condo and join with you to choose the condo when he could just drop the money?"

I put my hand on my mouth,"Oh my God. I just assuming that he done that to using me." whispered me this time.

Sophia now smiled at me, "Clyde is so in love with you and all he wants to do is to protect you. I believe that he want to tell you the truth but it's Clyde we talk about...He have his own way." Say Sophia.

I nod my head, "Is he....Is he here?"I asked Sophia this time.

She shook her head, "It's been three days and Clyde haven't coming back home yet. I don't know where he is. But somehow, I believe he will come back, but just not now."

"What? He's been missing? Did he even know his grandpa got hospitalized?" I asked Sophia again and she shook her head.

"I'm not saying he is missing, he just needed his own time." She told me.

"I should call him..." I said to her and take my iphone out form my bag.

"It will be gone straight to voice mail, I've tried that." Sophia told me and I exhale my breath.

And now what?

The truth is coming out but Clyde is gone...

My life is really a mess...


Chapter 35 to start your weekend 😊

Dun dundun..!!!!
Clyde is missing! 🧐🧐
Where is he ??? 😶😶

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Until then bubbye 👋👋👋

M.F 😘😘

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