Ch. Twenty-Two

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"There's no pride in sharing scars to prove it."

- Bastille


Sirius woke up just as the sun was setting. Devils Tower loomed in front of them, the remaining light turning its pale stone blood-red against the dusky, indigo sky behind it. He got out of the truck and looked up to find a full moon already riding high above the pillar of stone.

He shivered slightly, feeling the portal's sinister magic tug at him, wanting to lead him home. It didn't feel as close as he was hoping, and he looked straight up. The tower's height made him feel a bit dizzy, but the light shimmering at the top let him know exactly where they needed to go.

"It's here, isn't it?" Rick murmured from right next to him.

Sirius looked back down to find Caleb and Alex were already standing at the rocky bottom of the tower, talking quietly to one another. Rick's eyes were scanning the base as well, most likely hoping the portal would be easy to get to.

"Can't you see it?" Sirius asked curiously, gesturing up to the top of the tower were ghastly red and black shadows flickered together.

Rick's only response was to shake his head, catching Sirius by surprise. But he didn't say anymore.

The Hunter hadn't spoken to him since the fiasco with Sekhmet three days ago, and Sirius hadn't cared to force any conversation. Every now and then, he'd catch all three Hunters watching him carefully, but not with wariness like they used to.

Instead, Sirius got the distinct impression that they were simply waiting for him to fall to pieces again. He wasn't sure he had enough pieces left to accomplish that. Sekhmet had killed something inside of him, and Sirius could barely worry about it.

He felt overwrought. Like a nerve poked one too many times. Short-circuited and numb, it was difficult to think about anything beyond getting to Hell. Now they were here, and he still couldn't force himself to think of the potential challenges they would have to fight through.

Portals to Hell were heavily guarded—enchantments and traps lined the tunnels leading to the rings. He didn't know how to prepare the Hunters for what they were going to see. He didn't think there was any way to prepare for Hell.

Caleb and Alex had joined them, each casting another of those expectant glances at him. Sirius took a moment to wonder if they knew he saw all of those concerned looks, then decided it didn't matter.

None of it mattered. Not up here.

"We have to go to the top," Rick finally said.

Caleb sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I was afraid of that. I don't suppose you've picked up rock-climbing as a hobby?"

The only answer this elicited was a weary snort from Rick. Alex sighed, perching on the hood of Rick's car. "That kind of seems like something we should have known before we got here," she said, shooting a pointed glance at Sirius.

"I've never been to this one." He shrugged. "Why would I assume a portal to Hell was on top of the tower?"

Alex scowled, but obviously didn't have a response to that. They stood in silence for a moment until Rick said, "When are those witch friends of yours supposed to be here?"

Caleb's eyes brightened and he snapped his fingers twice. Both Alex and Rick nodded, and Sirius closed his eyes briefly. He hated transportation magic. It always made him a little nauseous. 

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