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"The final count is about six hundred, my lord, four hundred of which are magic users," Maddox said.

"Good," Salazar said, staring vacantly out of his office window at the sleeping City. "We outnumber them two-to-one. And they've all been armed appropriately?"

"Yes, sir. Our stockpiles are now empty of swords, halberds, pistols and muskets."

Salazar nodded his satisfaction. "Then it is time. Give the order to move out."

Maddox bowed and walked swiftly away. Salazar watched him go then pulled something silver from his pocket. He ran a thumb over the amulet's surface, trying in vain to detect the great power held inside.

"By midday," he murmured to himself, "you'll either be dead, or you'll be a god."

Salazar frowned as a tendril of doubt tickled his mind. Was it worth the risk? He wondered what would happen to his wife and son if he died, what Bellator would do to them because of his actions. Would they take revenge on his family? Chances are they would. At best, they'd be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Is unstoppable power worth risking that outcome? Salazar was already a very powerful man; did he really need more? Of course I do, Salazar chuckled to himself. He was not the kind of man to accept his lot in life, he takes what he can because he's strong enough and wicked enough to do so. He thrust the amulet back into his pocket and marched out of the room.

GiftedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora