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Standing in the dull street lights

Standing tall in an empty parking lot

Standing next to a black car which

Stands next to a red car

Standing next to a blue one I

Stand in the rain because I can't

Stand the thought of

Sitting in the light of my mom's new life

Standing forever up forever at the ice cream

Stand in the summer

Stand on the snow in the winter now I can't

Stand the winter I can't

Stand you but I've learned to

Stand on one leg until you tell me to put the other foot down I'm

Standing smelling the chlorine in the pool I'm

Standing looking at two different houses I'm

Standing tasting a future that was not supposed to be mine

Sitting with misty eyes

Hitting the wall with broken fists because I can't

Stand it anymore and I can't

Understand what anybody says to me so I

Stand among the stars to reach up and touch the

Strands of light that dangle from space

stupid poems about love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora