Somewhere In-Between

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Benjamin Portsmith was called Benny the Short, his grandpa was called Benny the Port, and his dad was just called Dad. The very same week Benny the Short was born, Benny the Port moved in.

Every day they went for a walk; Benny the Short in front, Benny the Port in back, and Dad somewhere in-between.

As Benny the Short grew taller, Benny the Port grew smaller.

As Benny the Port slept more, Benny the Short slept less.

And Dad watched, and dressed, and fed, and cleaned them both.
Every day
Every week
Every month

When Benny the Short was mad, Benny the Port was too.

When Benny the Port was sad, Benny the Short was too.

And when Dad was so tired and frustrated that he lay on the floor and cried and stomped his feet, the two Bennys gave him a hug, said, "There, there, son," and went right back to what they were doing.

Every day Benny the Port would talk and talk and talk, and Benny the Short would listen, watching the words piling up around him. Benny the Short would choose a word or two he liked, here or there, and stash them away for his own use later.

As Benny the Short's pile of words grew bigger, Benny the Port's grew smaller.

As Benny the Port had a harder time moving his legs and arms, Benny the Short ran faster and climbed higher.

And Dad watched, and dressed, and fed, and cleaned them both.
Every day
Every week
Every month

Every day they continued their walks, but now Benny the Port was in front, Benny the Short was in back, and Dad, still somewhere in-between.

On the day Benny the Short turned 4, Benny the Port could no longer move.

When Benny the Short asked for a story, Benny the Port could no longer speak.

And when Benny asked what was wrong with Grandpa, Dad told him Grandpa's Disease was too advanced and he would soon be moving out, of his body, and their home.

When Benny the Short asked when, Dad said he didn't know.

When Benny the Short asked where, Dad said he didn't know that either.

And when Dad began to cry, Benny didn't know what to do, so he hugged his dad and said, "There, there." Just like Benny the Port would do.

The same week Benny the Short began school, Benny the Port moved out. They buried him at the cemetery and his headstone said,


Every day they walked to school, Benny and Dad, side by side, and Grandpa somewhere in between.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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