Twenty-Six - Linkin

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I was more exhausted then I had realized. I woke up with someone shaking my shoulder. "Two, Two wake up," she said gently.

My eyes flickered open slowly and I stared up at a blonde woman in a red dress and lab coat. "Doctor A?" I whispered, my voice hoarse and dry. I thought she was dead? I sat up a bit more and felt a tightness in my arm. I glanced down and frowned and noticed an IV lay running under the sweater they had put on me. "What's wrong with me?"

Doctor A smiled sadly as she sat down on the edge of my gurney. "When was the last time you had something to eat or drink, Two?" she answered my question with one of her own.

Thinking back, I slowly shook my head, "I-" I honestly didn't remember. I had to assume it was the night I spent watching the movie with Emma, Mato, and Anaba.

"It's okay," Doctor A quickly said, realizing I was only becoming more distraught as I struggled to find the answer. "We've got you back on the IV for now and we've got you some meal replacement drinks; figured they'd be easier for you to have instead of real food." I slowly nodded. "You haven't been taking care of yourself though. Why is that? Is something wrong?"

It was an excellent question. The more time I spent with people, here, I just felt worse and worse. Something inside of me just wasn't sitting right and when I focused on that, it only got worse. It was a vicious cycle. "I haven't been feeling well," I said vaguely. I didn't trust her for some reason which only made the nausea came back.

"What's been wrong?"

"I keep getting this awful headache which only gets worse. These images just keep going through my mind and-"

"When you think of things you shouldn't, about the time you left the Oasis Project, correct?" Doctor A cut me off with a frown. I hesitantly nodded, curled up slightly, scared of what she would do now that she knew the truth. She let out a sigh. "I feared this. It is a fail safe to ensure that you don't hurt yourself. Those memories, the people you met aren't good and put all the good you can do with the project in jeopardy." Doctor A smoothed out her dress before standing up with a sigh. "I have to admit, I am disappointed, but this is an easy fix, Two."

My mind was left racing as Doctor A left and returned with a wheelchair. My whole body tensed and I kicked the blankets off of me. "No!" I was screaming, panic taking over my body.

"Calm down, this is just for your own safety," she said in a soothing voice.

Shaking my head violently, I kicked my feet until I was sitting on the slightly raised head of the gurney with my back against the cold, cement wall. "No! I don't want it! I'll be good, I'll be good!" I begged as tears started to fall.

"Jaysen, can you give us a hand?"

I hadn't even realized someone else was here. My eyes scanned the room and one of the lumps on the bed moved. My heart eased for a second, hoping to see those unique eyes which haunted me. The messy blonde haired man who stood up didn't have those eyes, and instead tired dark hazel eyes stared back at me. I felt like I was going to be sick. "N-N-No..." I struggled to get the one-syllable word out as I saw Desmond.

He didn't wear a shirt and he clung to the bandages that wrapped around his lower abdomen as he stood up. "Hey there Val, it's okay," he said in a soft voice.

"Get away from me!" I screamed as he stepped closer.

He had his hand stretched out as he continued to come closer. "It's okay, Val, it's me. Just relax. I'm just going to make you a bit more... compliant." He sounded tired and unfazed by everything that was happening. Doctor A was the same, more annoyed by my behaviour than anything else as she waited patiently, two nurses standing in each doorway.

I wasn't getting out of here, but I also didn't care. The second Desmond was close enough to me, I made my unplanned move. Kicking my feet off the bed, I went sailing through the air and tackled him to the ground. My hands were quickly wrapped around his neck and I started to squeeze. From under me, Desmond squirmed, my touch causing him pain as I started to choke the life out of him. His hands didn't dare to reach out to stop me. Instead, he tapped the floor, kicking, his eyes going wide as he stared up at Doctor A.

She only sighed and the next thing I knew I felt two arms wrapped around me, peeling me off of Desmond as he curled up on his side, coughing for air as the pain faded. "Let me go!" I shrieked, my voice echoing through the halls as I was tossed into the wheelchair.

My wrists were the first thing strapped down. I was tiny, weak, no match for the large, muscular nurses who were trained at restraining difficult patients. "Please!" I sobbed. "I'll be good!" No one believed that as my head was strapped to the headrest.

"It'll be okay, Two. This will make you feel better," Doctor A promised.

I thrashed in the chair, trying anything to get free, "No! Ira! Thierry!" I screamed, praying they could hear.

If they did, they didn't come. I continued to scream and fight as I wheeled out of the small hospital and to a private, dark room, a TV waiting for me, images already flicking across the scream. My eyes were taped open and I left there, forced to watch the rapid images which were designed to reprogram me.

Destruction - The Oasis Project Book 2 (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora