2.26: sephine

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I'm sitting on the counter, watching Hayes stir noodles in boiling water before switching to adding some green leaf to his sauce in the pan next to it. He got a haircut yesterday, and I like it a lot. So for now I'm just enjoying watching him cook as he hums along with the radio.

"Hey, Benson?" I ask, and Hayes takes his attention off the pans he has in front of him to look at me with a small smirk on his face.

"Is this the part when you ask me to take off my shirt so I can give you dinner and a show?" He teases, and I roll my eyes but play along.

"See if I really wanted a show, I don't think I'd have to ask because if I wanted it off, it would be off already."

Hayes lets out a small laugh, but doesn't tell me I'm wrong. "What do you want?"

I've known for three days now, and it's on the tip of my tongue so I could just tell him, and be done with keeping it a secret from him. But instead I say something just as crazy as being pregnant. "Let's get married."

Hayes shakes his head, focusing again on the noodles, "Montgomery, we're already getting married."

"No, really, Hayes? I had no idea, and I'm just wearing this ring as a fashion statement." I say sarcastically, and Hayes raises an eyebrow.

"Well, what did you mean then?"

I shift on the counter to rest my back against the backsplash as he takes the noodles off the burner and dumps them in the strainer. Waiting until he's done making all that noise, I say what I've been thinking about all day, "I mean tonight."

"Like a let's go to City Hall tonight and get married?" He asks, slowly trying to piece everything together. I nod, and the smile on his face might be the biggest one I've ever seen from him. "As much as I would love to do it tonight, I think City Hall is already closed, so why don't we go in the morning?"

The dinner he was making is forgotten as he steps closer to me, not realizing that I already have a solution to that problem. "Well, lucky for you, my mom was a senator. There's a judge here that she went to college with who just happens to be my godmother that I'm sure I could convince to do us this teeny tiny favor; that is if you want to do it tonight, to begin with. Considering we got our marriage license two weeks ago for whenever we plan on getting married, it doesn't matter to me." It was the first thing I've done to plan other than pick out a color scheme. I thought it would be best to get it out of the way.

Hayes cups my cheek, and I lean into his touch, "I think that's the best goddamn idea you've ever had, and I'm wondering why we're still standing in the kitchen when we can be getting ready for our wedding."

I lean forward and press my lips against his with a smile. Hayes pulls back and rests his forehead against mine, and I try not to let myself get carried away by kissing him again. "You just spent thirty minutes making dinner, so the least we can do is eat it."

Hayes scoffs, "The food will be here when we get back, but you, however, need to call your godmother and see if this can happen tonight."

"Alright, now go get ready while I call Aunt Sarah quick. You call Grayson to see if he'll be a witness," Hayes's eyes are lit up right now, and I'm just happy.

It only takes a few rings before she picks up the phone, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Oh, Sephine! I haven't heard from you in forever!" She coos, and I let out a breathy laugh.

"I know, I'm sorry Aunt Sarah, we'll have to get lunch soon but I've just been so busy lately-"

"I've heard all about your fiancé, and I feel that he has something to do with this phone call. Am I right?" I can hear the amusement in her voice, which tells me that she knows exactly why I'm calling.

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