C h a p t e r 6

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"Alright people load in!" Callum said to everyone. Avery sat in the passenger seat of the truck while Adam and Greyson sat in the back seats. Monte and Luca were drinking beers in the back of the truck.

Once everyone was situated Monte banged his hand on the top of the truck signaling for Callum to go.

It was shopping day the boys told Avery. They go into town once every week or two to get food supplies and just see what was going on. They also told her they drove around to a lot of places to camp and hike  or took the horses to go riding somewhere. She was excited to do those things with them she thought as she beamed happily in the front seat of the truck listening to the music. She didn't know any of the words but she hummed to the beat.

After a half an hour of driving they reached the town. It was just your average town really nothing special. From what she saw on the drive in they have a movie theater, a couple of bars, a few dine ins, three liquor stores, two grocery stores, a few food shops, antique shops, and a gas station. There was still a lot more of the town that she hadn't seen but those were the first stores upon entering town. Nothing special but she still wanted to explore. She had also asked if they could see a movie at the movie theater one time. Of course the boys said yes.

"They have a really nice park around here too. The fountain has some water shows during the holidays it's really cool." Greyson told her to which she said she'd love to see it.

They passed many more places until they got to a nicer part of town. This area was much larger then it seemed Avery thought to herself. They finally pulled up to a huge mall and they all got out of the car.

"Now don't be too weirded out by the strange looks we are going to get. That's just the usual for us." Monte said. Avery simply nodded with excitement more focused on the fact that the mall appeared to be ginormous!

"What are we going to get?" She asked them.

"Things for you of course!" Luca said laughing.

"For me?" She questioned.

"Yes Princess, we aren't going to let you live on two outfits are we?" Callum said chuckling. She'd never thought of it but of course she'd need more clothes. She felt her pocket reassuring her that her wallet was there and off they went towards  the door.

She had a boy on either side of her, Greyson and Monte, the other three were in the back. Avery had noticed that Adam hasn't said a word since this morning. Guilt immediately consumed her but quickly diminished at the sight of all the stores.

"I made a list of places we should go to make our trip quicker." Callum told her. She's noticed he's the leader of the group. It suited him to her plus, he was the owner of the ranch. It just made sense.

Callum lead them to the first store. Forever 21. Avery loved all the clothes and would buy them all if she could. However she wanted to save her money. She grabbed a pair of mom jeans, and three pair of skinny jeans all different tones and one of them was the ripped kind. She then grabbed  five  graphic tees because she wanted comfy clothes. The boys would check in on her to see what she was getting and then go back to the boys section to kill time. She also decided to get a pair of shoes that were all black since her current shoes were getting pretty worn. She grabbed two summer dresses, and three one pieces. Figuring she had more then enough she began to walk to the register.

Avery  hated spending money but what could she do? These were basic human necessities after all. The women behind the counter smiled warmly at her and scanned her items while Avery took out her wallet counting her cash.

"That will be $250 please." The women said.

Avery sighed and counted out the money not focusing on anything else.

"Thank you! Please come again." The women said confusing Avery. She looked up and saw Callum grabbing a debit card from the women.

Adam and Monte grabbed the five bags from the counter and they walked out from the store.

"Here I'll give you the money right now." Avery said frantically.

"Princess, I won't let you spend a signal penny you got that?" Callum said to her instantly making her blush.

"But why?" Her voice squeaked a little causing her blush to deepen.

"Because we are treating you today princess!" Luca said snaking his arm around her waist and winking at her. Butterflies danced in her stomach from the kindness the boys were giving her.

"T-thank you! Thank you very much!" Avery blurted our. All the boys, minus Adam of course, smiled at her pleased.

The next store they went to was a little
boutique that Avery absolutely loved. Here she got a romper, three pairs  of  jean shorts, two pairs of leggings (both black), two blouses, and three more t shirts. The boutique was surprisingly cheap amounting to only 96 dollars. Adam and Monte took all the bags to the truck and met them again at the decorative store. Here Callum got her bed sheets she liked along with a small dresser (since there was a closet she could have at home, and a vanity mirror. Callum and Greyson took these to the car that time.

"I feel so bad..." Avery murmured out.

"Don't Avery, we want to do this for you, plus you need things to wear you have literally nothing. Don't feel sorry." Monte said to her while rubbing her cheek causing her to blush. It seemed she was blushing all the time now. Once Callum and Greyson returned they went to the last store, Victoria Secret.

The boys were clearly very awkward about this causing Avery to giggle.

"You don't have to come in if you don't like boys." She said while still laughing.

"No no it's fine..." Greyson barely muttered out. The boys all huddled together following Avery closely while staring at anything besides the more raunchy items. There's always a sale at pink so she got 14 pairs of underwear for just 67 dollars. She bought three matching set pajamas and seven bras. After that she stated she was finished, much to the boys relief of course.

"Finally I'm starving!" Luca exclaimed. They all hopped back into the truck and drove back towards the way they came. The truck was loaded to the brim with bags and the items Avery had gotten. She gave all the boys a sheepish grin.

They arrived at a burger joint and all went inside. It was a miracle that the place had a booth large enough to fit six people, however the boys still had to squish quite a bit as they were in no way on the small side. They all ordered burgers, fries and milkshakes. They joked with one another and tried each other's milkshakes to taste the different flavors. They all just relaxed after the spree shopping they had just done.

"Well we still need to go to the grocery store." Callum said causing the other four boys to groan in exasperation.

"Well we need to eat don't we?" Callum said slightly annoyed.

"I guess so" Monte said jokingly.

They paid for the food and hopped back in the truck driving only five minutes to get to the store. Even though it was only five minutes Avery decided to rest her eyes just for a short minute, instead she ended up falling asleep completely. They only noticed after they had arrived.

"I don't want to wake her, two of you stay here. Adam? Greyson?" Callum asked them and they both agreed. After about a half an hour the rest of the boys came back. They managed to shove all the bags on the ground and in each other's lap and began the half and hour ride back home.

Once they got home Greyson quickly volunteered to carry Avery. He carefully grabbed her and put her arms around his neck also wrapping her legs around his waist. The boys were already half way done unloading the car as they moved quickly so the front door was wide open. Greyson carried her upstairs as she squirmed a little in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck a little tighter, not enough to choke him. He chuckled at this and walked into her and Callums room. He sat down on her bed and took off her shoes for her.

Once that was done he began to pry her off of him but her hold tightened. He simply cracked a smile and just leaned back against the pillows. She moved around a little bit more unwrapping her arms from his neck and instead resting them on his chest along with her head. Her legs were still straddling him causing Greyson to blush to himself slightly.

He didn't know how long they laid there like that but eventually he too fell asleep.

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