Main Weakness

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Lotor walked down the huge metal hallway. It was a good twenty minute walk to the room he was in.

All the way in the corner of the Galra ship, away from everyone and everything they held, Shiro.

On the huge metal door they had "Takashi Shirogane heavily armored and weaponized guards only." Engraved in Galrinian on the front. Lotor stepped up to the eight foot door and took in a deep breath before plastering on his signature condescending smile and walking into the room.

Lotor feared nothing. No Galrinian, no druids, and no enemy could shake him... until Shiro. Shiro had completely snapped, a complete loose cannon. He is entirely different from how he used to be. He could be dark and evil or screaming at the to of his lungs maybe laughing psychotically.

There was no way of telling which one he was going to be next or for how long and Lotor hated it. He likes structure, control, him knowing everything. But, with Shiro... no one's in control. He's nothing like he used to be and this made Lotor very wary. Almost to the point of fear.

The moment he stepped into the room he noticed the cross inside the cell Shiro was kept in was bare! The cage was completely void of anyone. The chains holding him up and the electronics dampening cuffs were off Shiro's arm and on the floor. Immediately Lotor drew his sword but as he did he felt something cold against his neck.

"Boo." Shiro said from behind him. Lotor's eyes grew wide and before he could react Shiro had disarmed him of his sword, wrapped his arm around Lotor's neck to a point were he could choke him out if he wanted. Lotor put both his hands up in front of him in surrender and Shiro let go. "I beat ya!" He said happily.

Lotor instantly relaxed. His favorite Shiro, playful Shiro. He was pretty much a stupid puppy, it was quite cute. He was definitely idiotic since he didn't capitalize on a chance to kill him.

"Did you?" Lotor asked gathering himself and retrieving his sword.

"Yeah! I mean I could of killed you. So I win." Shiro answered sitting on the floor looking up at Lotor like a dog would.

"You'll only win when you kill me. I win because you never will." Lotor explained sheathing his sword.

Shiro sat there confused and slightly disheartened.

"But... I beat your cage thingy. It was really hard this time!"

"But you didn't kill me. And you can't." He smirked. "Now back in your cage. I'll start on making more adjustments and building higher security."

"Ok." He said going back in his cage. Lotor quickly locked it and as soon as the lock clicked he felt the atmosphere change. Shiro started to smirk and leaned on the bars "I wanted to play some more." He pouted his voice deeper than his normal octave and his eyes completely yellow.

This was the Shiro that almost scared Lotor.

"Why don't you let me out? I promise I'll win the game this time." Lotor ignored him and began making adjustments to Shiro's prison. "Answer me!" Shiro yelled reaching through the bars, grabbing Lotor's hair and slamming his head against the bars. Luckily the barrier in his cage kept his metal arm from having any excessive power so it was just like his other arm. (Which is still nothing to sneeze at.) "I want out so I can beat you!" He declared then a sadistic smile crept onto his face as he tilted his head and laughed. "Unless you're scared you'll lose. If that's the case I'll just kill ya right now. Then you won't be scared much longer."

"No." Lotor refused. "You won't kill me." He grunted, straining from his hair being pulled and his face being pressed into the metal bars. "Even if you do you'll never get passed my security systems before one of my guards or one of my traps kill you." Lotor explained. Shiro let go of his hair and growled.

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