30 | The Ball

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WHEN AUTUMN HAD said she wouldn't make me look stupid, she wasn't half joking. Like she had magic spurting from her fingers, she was able to bring together the already beautiful dress and shoes, and make the whole thing compliment each other perfectly, appearing as if I'd had a whole team to put me together.

Although Noah would swear he was helping a great deal, him sitting on one of the sofa's in Autumn's room did little in way of 'helping.' Every now and then, he'd make a comment or two, but that lasted for only a little while, before he went silent and upon turning to him, we realised he was asleep.

"Honestly," Autumn sighed. "He barely lasted ten minutes." She said, dismissing his head-lolled-back-and-mouth-slightly-open state.

"I'll have you know," his voice sounded, eyes still closed. "I last for hours and hours and hours." I wrinkled my nose at the meaning behind his words, accompanied by the small smirk on his face.

My eyes connected with Autumn's in the mirror and she just rolled hers and shook her head.

"I didn't realise 'hours and hours—"

"And hours," he quipped.

She continued, actively ignoring him. "Meant under three minutes."

She was still running the brush through my dark hair, nimble fingers partitioning it into sections. Each section got an equal amount of attention.

From the mirror, I could see him leaning backwards, arms crossed behind his head. "Oh, we both know that is far from true."

She turned, curler raised, "We do?"

"Indeed," he said, in front of her. They stayed like that for a moment, a silent conversation being had, until he turned towards me. "Ah Joey," he cooed, refusing to relieve the nick name he'd realised I couldn't stand. He leant down, levelling himself with my seated height and hugging my shoulders. "te ves muy hermosa."

"Gracias," I said.

He kissed my cheek loudly and squeezed me even tighter with a small cheer of victory, "She's learning! I'm rubbing off on you, eh?"

"Poor thing," Autumn said, hand placed on my shoulder. "And don't you dare wrinkle that dress, Noah, or I'll have you hanging from the flagpole by your penis."

She turned to her wardrobe, where she disappeared for a moment.

"What a woman," Noah muttered, laughing with me.

She returned a moment later, a stack of boxes in her hands. Opening the first one revealed a necklace, littered with large rubies, paired with matching ruby earrings.

"These wouldn't go with the dress," she said to herself once holding them against the deep burgundy dress I was wearing, so closed the box and put it to the side.

"What about something that goes with this?" I asked, twisting my mother's old engagement ring on my finger.

She looked down at it, eyes drinking in the way the light hit the diamond ring, glinting ever so slightly. Her hand brought mine right up close to her face so that she could see it in more detail.

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