Chapter 1; Intro

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"Are you on your way home yet!?"

"Yes, mom. Will you just relax? I am in the bus right now."

"You know why I am so stressed. This was your first day at school since your classmate's incident."

"I know that. Mom it's not even a proven fact that it was murder."

"I don't care that there's no prove, I want you home as soon as you can Noah!"

A deep sigh escaped Noah's lips as she stared back out of the bus window. She had her earbuds in, listening to some nostalgic music. There was indeed an incident with a classmate a few weeks ago. The boy was found dead, and there was little evidence as to what happened and who did it.

He was found somewhere in the forest, cut up and stabbed until there was no blood left to bleed.

What freaked her out most was that her closest friend, Daniel, hasn't been anywhere to be seen ever since. He didn't reply to any of her texts, nor her messages on the computer. They would usually meet up on the Monday evening to have a bubble tea at the shop on the corner, but Noah was wondering if that was even going to happen anymore. 

The bus arrived at her stop, as she got off the bus and began making the last meters home by foot. Nothing ever really happened in this part of town, so the fact that Noah passed through these shady alley ways didn't really freak her out.

She was staring down at her phone while walking, gently dragging her finger over the profile picture of her friend.

She was so glued to her screen that she suddenly bumped into a person, whom grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her against the wall. Before she knew it she felt a hand on her mouth, muting her to a certain degree. Her eyes gazed up to the hooded person. She could tell by the shape of this persons lips who it was. Daniel.

"Noah, please be quiet. I need to tell you something."

He took his hand off her mouth, Noah obeying the rule to stay quiet. She didn't say anything, but her eyes were becoming watery. She had tears ready to crawl down her cheeks, her attempts to hold it in being futile. It felt like what he was about to tell her was going to be a really heavy weight, something she would not be able to deal with.

"Look.. I just couldn't deal with the way he was mocking you anymore. The way he joked about your body and pulled up your skirt, humiliating you. It made me so angry. Noah, I killed him."

Daniel was staring at her eyes, he could see them being full of fear at this point. He still had the blood on his jacket and gloves, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"D-.. Danny..."

Hearing her voice he felt slightly comforted. Her sweet, feminine gentle voice. He wrapped his arms closely around her and pulled her in for a tight hug. Noah had no time to process what she just heard, at this point it even felt as if she had forgotten how to breathe. The panic started kicking in, she pushed him back from the hug as she began running away. She was scared of her own friend, whom she had known her entire life thus far. 

"Noah! Get back here! Fuck..."

He watched her run off, knowing that for now it was better to leave it that way. If he were to chase her he would draw too much attention to himself after all. A dark shade covered his shady brown eyes as he was convinced he would find a way back to her. He began walking back to his little shelter for the time being. His parents must be worried sick, but his mind wasn't even remotely with his parents. His mind was with Noah, he couldn't stop thinking about her. It was so nice to decide over a persons life just for the sake of a loved one. He would do that for her all the time if he had to. 

Stalked - From long ago {On Hold, Will Be Continued}Where stories live. Discover now