Chapter 4

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"Push them out!" Slade commanded through the mind link to all the pack members inside the arena.

The fight broke out, the weaker Rogues ran to the exit but when the guns rang out, he knew they were shot down. Once the Rogues figured they were trapped they started to attack. He made sure that his warriors were in small groups of four, so that they could help each other out.

Dead bodies littered the floor; the stench of blood filled the air. Snarls and growls could be heard a mile away. Slade was thankful that the Rogues used an abandoned warehouse in the woods. It would save them time to clean up the mess if the humans were to discover this.

Though Slade was fighting, but his mind was to his mate.

Was she safe?

Did she escape?

But his biggest fear - was she even alive?

His eyes widened and then he let out a ferocious growl that almost stopped the fighting. A few wolves froze at the power of the Alpha; Slade used this to his advantage and killed the Rogues before they could react.

He hoped and prayed that his mate wasn't mistaken for one of those filthy Rogues and shot on sight - the more he thought about it, the more savage he got.

Slade let his wolf out; he used the pain at the thought of his mate lying dead on the cold floor to urge him on. He charged through to a group of Rogues and started to viciously take them out one by one.

No Rogue was safe.

No mercy would be shown as more pack members flooded through the exits and started to fight.

Torturous minutes past as Slade destroyed the Rogues until there was none left standing. He breathed in heavily; his body was still tensed as he scanned the area. Some of the warriors were injured but all survived.

Without a second thought, he ran into the arena and headed straight for the door he saw his mate leave in. He hoped that this would lead him to her but before he could reach the trap door, Ryan and Nolan stepped in his way.

He growled lowly at him. They both stepped back in surprise and lowered their gaze.

Slade shifted to human and Nolan passed him a pair of pants which he put on.

"What?!" he snarled. The more he spends his time here, the more he was possibly losing his mate.

"One of the Alphas pack members found something and they thought you should come check it out." Ryan said without looking at his Alpha.

Slade clenched his fists as he stared at the door longingly.

"Tell the Alphas' I have something else to take care of." He replied gruffly and started to make his way to the door but Nolan's hand clamped down on his shoulder - pulling him back.

He snapped at the Omega who flinched but it didn't stop him from speaking, "You should really come see this."

He knew that Nolan wouldn't have stopped him unless it was really important and by the look on his face, it was something big. Slade let out a harsh sigh and turned to them. The quicker he deals with this, the quicker he could find his mate.

"Let's go." He said and glanced one more time at the trap door before following his friends.


Nine watched closely as the door opened. A man stepped forward, his eyes widened when they landed on her. She stood to her full height, showing no fear even though she was completely worried about Dexter.

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now