< T E N >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


< T E N >

Sam gapes at the large cabin style mansion before him. The whole way there has been pretty silent minus some rumbling growls from Arden’s giant wolf form at Farah’s still pissed looking wolf. The ride was a bit odd for him, he won’t lie but it was also exhilarating too. Arden could move fast and she even weaved through trees like a pro as well.

Both women are shifting back as Sam looks at the mansion in the distance but he’s happy to report its Arden who produces herself first. She’s in the peach colored dress again that seemed to highlight her long tanned legs and makes Sam drool like the hypothetical dog he is. She blushes and smiles a bit dipping her head before walking over to Sam without hesitation.

He loves that she doesn’t hesitate.

“Well hello there, sweetheart.” He grins.

“Hi.” She responds shyly, “Was the ride okay?”

He winks at her deciding to tease her when her cheeks redden, “Best I’ve had.”

She blushes even more and takes his hand in hers. Without a word Farah pops out from behind a tree in May’s sweater dress looking sourer then she did in wolf form. He knows she’s heard every word between him and Arden but he can’t find it in himself to care. He’s Arden’s mate, something she still needs to explain, and from what he’s gathered that’s a big deal.

“Ready?” Farah grumbles.

Arden nods and grips Sam’s hand tighter.

“Shouldn’t you go as your wolf? So they know who you are?” He asks.

Arden shakes her head, “No. It’s considered threatening to arrive at the home of another Alpha in your wolf form since wolf forms are used more for battle. Besides they can tell we’re like them from our scents.”


“Yeah, everyone has one.”

Sam smirks at her, “What do I smell like?”

“Peppermint.” She whispers, “And milk chocolate.”

Farah snorts, “To her you smell like that. To me you smell of bullshit.”

“Farah.” Arden growls. “What is your problem with him?”

Farah snarls in frustration but doesn’t answer as she walks up ahead.

“She’s in love with you.” Sam says simply, getting matching looks of shock from both women. Is this a dick move for him to say it? Yes but Farah has been driving him up a wall since she arrived and whatever is she has to say needs to be said.

Farah sneers at him, “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

“Don’t I?”

“No! You don’t know anything!” She shrieks, “You’re a useless handicapped human loser who doesn’t deserve her! You can’t protect her! You can’t even protect yourself but yet here you are taking what was meant to be mine!”

Sam feels like he’s been hit in the gut. He’s got to give it to her; she sure can hit all his insecurity points. He can’t protect her like other men can; he’s not physically as strong as he was. He is handicapped with his bum knee and PTSD but worthless? He doesn’t know if that’s true even if he has thought it himself many times before. Does Arden think he’s worthless? Does she take pity on him because of his deformities and physical weaknesses? He can’t be sure.

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