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I walk the empty corridors with Edward, as all what my mind is chasing around is the thought of that women and Oliver. I could swear to god that Edward was trying, he was trying to distract me but I just couldn't get it off me, I couldn't get this heavy rock off my broken heart. "Edward.." I whisper, hoping he could hear the unspoken. "Hmm?" He hums, and I melt with the miracle I wished for.

"What's her name?" I ask bluntly, eyes on the ground as gravity tries to pull them out ever so slowly. "Whom?" He asks back. I look up at him in the eyes, seeing the love in those hazel eyes of his, in this warm heart he owns, and I unhesitatingly say "you know exactly whom I'm asking about..". He breaks the eye contact and look forward again, shivering in the strength I suddenly own, in the hatred I claim to feel. "Gwendolyn".

Gwendolyn? I've that name before...

I turn to look forward, trying to search my mind to my question. "Is she the one.. whom helped get over his past?.." I ask, still keeping my pace with him. However, his steps placed their destination in front of me. I look up at him, wondering what may I've done all of a sudden, and he says, brows furrowed, eyes suspicious "and how do you know that Elizabeth?".

Answers, answers. Come on brain! search for an answer.

I can't get princess Caroline in trouble. I mean what if she can't tell me? I can't do that, no I won't do it.

"I'm his wife Edward" I say, eyes breaking directly into his as I complete saying, "I have the full right to know so". I see Edward as he looks anywhere else other than me, apologizing. "I'm sorry, I really am. It's just not anybody really knows the true story" he says, finally getting the courage to look me in the eyes again.

"I know. Which I shall keep a secret" I say smiling slightly. He smirks and shakes his head lightly, "you're a wise princess, aren't you?". I grin at his compliment, "well maybe then, the gentleman, should take me back to the ball room". I hear him as he clears his throat, fixes his posture, and lays out his arm for me "it would be my pleasure, madmozel".
We both chuckle at his accent as we head over to the ball room.


The day passed on, like the lives we lost every single hour a day. I accompanied princes Caroline and prince Quill, when they were giving their farewells to all the guests and my family. I was left alone when I hugged Edward his farewell. "Be a good girl" he pinched my nose. I chuckled and did the same to him, "stay a gentleman". I see him as he leaves with his family and I turn around, heading back into the warm castle, now I call home. I walk the long hallways, cuddling myself with the scarf warping around my iced arms. And then it hit me. Gwendolyn. She never left. Oliver disappeared. And now my heart races with the thought running through my mind.

I walk around swiftly, looking for Oliver. Looking for what might the demon have done to this poor soul. Just for my steps to stopped at the end of a hallway. Just to freeze my eyes on the one figure I see, on the two figures kissing each other passionately, melting into a one frame. And I wish he heard it, I wish Oliver could hear as my heart falls to the ground and shatters into small pieces of rusted gold. I just wish that maybe he could finally see the love I once had for him, the love I lost now.

I couldn't believe it, nor did I want to. My eyes won't blink so I don't know if I'm stuck in a nightmare, or is this really my reality. I didn't feel it until I heard the drops of salty tears touch the ground. I didn't understand, why couldn't I be enough for him? Why have I ever done to deserve this? To get this from the one I used to love with all my now shattered heart. My breathes got heavier, got warmer..got louder.

He turns when he hears it. He turns, but it was too late. "Elizabeth!" He yells as I dash through the hallways that were once long and now short. I could hear his loud steps, trying to find me, trying to catch up with me. However, when he caught up to me and pushed me against a huge column against the staircase, I knew running away wasn't my gift either.

He pants so close to me, placing both of his arms on the column, surrounding me in his prison. "Listen to me.." he breathes out between his pants. I roll my eyes, "quite frankly Oliver, I'm pretty sure there is so need" I speak, or let's say my demon does. I try to push his arms for me to walk away, but he pulls me by my clothes and slams me back to the column. "Oliver!!" I scream in pain, giving him my death glare. He holds my face in his palms and dives in for the kiss.

But I couldn't let his kisses be my weakness. My karma shall never allow it, so I pushed him. I pushed him away from me as hard as I could and yelled "Don't you dare kiss me with that filthy mouth of yours!!". He looked taken aback, but he was good, he was always good at hiding his feelings but for me I was ready to finally reveal them. "You're nothing but a brutal guy Oliver. People were always right about you, you flighty man!!" I yell before dashing away from him. Leaving him in a state he never imagined he'd be in.

In a state my demon was in control of me

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن