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During hurricane Gustav (in 08, I think), I evacuated to a church in Baton Rouge with a friend and his family.

At the same time, there was an entire nursing home's worth of old people staying in the church. My friend, his family, and myself all shared one room together.

In this church, there was one bathroom that was large, similar to something that would be in an elementary school (a few stalls, a trough urinal, etc.).

One night during the storm, my friend and I made a trip to the bathroom.

The lights had since gone out (middle of a hurricane and all). The church had a musty, eerie feel to it. Kind of like when you turn out the ac in a house for a few days. The area surrounding the church was also dead quiet, since there was no electricity in the area.

The bathroom was several halls over from our room. So, we grabbed our flashlights and set out. While walking down one long hall, we shined our flashlights ahead, and there, at the end of the hall, sat an old man in a wheelchair (in the middle of the night with no one around).

Now, this hall was incredibly long. So we could make him out, but we couldn't really see all his facial features, etc. Once we grasped what we saw, we turned and looked at each other, semi-freaked out. Then, we shined our flashlights back to where he was, and there was nothing there. It was as if he vanished.

No signs, no sound....nothing. Needless to say, we hauled ass back to the room.

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