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"Garrett, if you're listening to this I'm out of commission or dead.

"It's about time I told you the truth; several of them, I should say. We're on the edge of a genesis, marching toward a new quadramillanium. First, I must speak to you about the Space Hawk Massacre. Within my infopods, there are detailed accounts from eyewitnesses.

"I'm giving you my clearance. You need to find Edane, before our universe burns down to nothing.

"We couldn't stop the bio-weapon, we won't be able to. We have no other option. You must find it and destroy it.

"I will never forgive myself for what has happened. I told you once that family should've been more important than I, or whatever order I gave you. If we cannot salvage the Sanctum, to reinvent what it means, then let it be unsalvageable in its current state. I recognize the damage it has done. That we have done.

"If change is unavoidable, then don't avoid it. Embrace it.

"Goodbye, and I'll see you in the stars, Garrett Ranier.

"Illiya Falae, logging off."

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